Tuesday, July 19, 2022

April 2022: Spring Break In Texas

 Whew, April was a REALLY big month. We sold our house, visited Tyler in Texas to house shop and found a new home!

Tyler continues to explore the local cuisine and wildlife. We are READY to be reunited for Spring Break! He got to experience the Bluebonnets and he caught a baby turtle!

Tyler's company flew the kids and I out to Texas to house shop. We got to spend the whole week in Texas, during the kids' Spring Break. Tyson benefits paid for a whole week of housing and food while we were there! I was sick for a good portion of the week, but we got to be together as a family. My mom dropped us off at the airport and the kids were SUPER great during both of our flights. It was their first time on a plane. They did awesome for the three hours. Lyla fell asleep just until we landed and had to pee soooo bad. Thank goodness for kind people and kind flight attendants who helped us out. Turns out, I get air sick. Thankfully Dramamine kicked in. 

We all got our first taste of Buc-ee's. We've heard about it's greatness for a very long time and it lived up to the hype! We also got to see Sonic 2. The day we left, I was so sick. I had taken medicine, but it was not working. Leaving that day, by myself, was on of the hardest things I've had to do. Some last minute meds kicked in just as we were about to leave and thankfully we made it to Idaho Falls, where my mom took care of us while I perked back up. We were VERY sad to leave, but Tyler will get to visit soon and then we will all be together in Texas!

We looked at probably 15 houses. The market here is a bit cheaper, but there are still TONS of people looking at houses in our price range. Every open house we went to was PACKED with people trying to take a look and make an offer. After more than a few days looking we found the 1 home we felt comfortable making an offer on. It's the cutest, best home and we quickly fell in love. Our Real Estate agent was so great! She was VERY knowledgeable. She warned us not to LOVE a house because it would be very difficult to be the best looking offer. Too, late. We fell in love. It was just right for us. We spent a lot of time on the phone with her, trying to make our offer look it's best. She suggested we write a letter about our family and why we loved the home. She also got to know the seller agent and learned some tips to help us. We anxiously waited 24 hours after submitting our offer. That next day we learned that there were 26, yes, 26 offers on the house we loved. We also learned that we weren't the highest and best offer. However, our letter helped the seller pick us. The rooms are huge, the floors are new, and it has a bonus room upstairs. Don't let the blue cabinets scare you. They scared us, too, but are very nice in person. Best of all we have a yard about the same as we have in Utah (which let me tell you is HARD TO FIND!) and the pool stays! This are super excited for the pool. I love to tell this story because it is an other testament that we are supposed to be in Texas. We KNOW we are going to be where the Lord has a plan for us. We cannot deny His hand in this journey for our family. Without further ado, here is our new home! We hope to move and road trip home, Memorial Day weekend. 

Until next time...

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