Sunday, July 31, 2022

May Part III: Goobye Idaho, Happy Birthday Lyla, WELCOME TO TEXAS

 We arrived in Idaho and spent our last days for a while with my family. We played and played and played and played. We didn't go to bed before 11pm, the WHOLE week. My sister Cal Lee organized and took us kayaking. It was a blast. All the kids were brave and figured it out. Lyla went for the very first time and was a Rockstar! 

We got our last razor ride and our last family campfire. Nolan was busy drawing and playing on the switch. 

Lyla also celebrated her 5th birthday! She and Chalese are birthday twins, so we had a big bash! Lyla Jean is something else! She is full of fire and spirit. She is a character and always has us laughing. She loves big and knows how to show it. She is eager to help and learn new things. Cal Lee taught her how to read a color coded piano book and she loves learning to play. We are excited to see her grow this fall in her first year of school! 

We spent a lunch date with my Dad and Sherrie. We are saying a lot of hard goodbyes, but we know we will get to visit again. 

We will miss all our family in Utah and Idaho. My grandparents are such a special part of my life and my kiddos have been lucky enough to have had the time to love them just as much as I do. They have left a wonderful legacy of being great examples of discipleship to the Lord. So much so, that little Lyla Jean is named after two very special people! 

Tyler FINALLY flew in and we were reunited as a family! We partied and packed. We woke up early to leave to find that one of the struts on our car was trashed and would not get us very far. We spent most of the morning fixing it and started our road trip only 6 hours late. Texas was 1300 miles and 18 hours away. We did it in 24 hours after one small detour and only two unplanned stops. The kids and dogs did sooo well! I made binder, bought books and a couple highly sought after switch games. We stopped about every 3 hours to pee and gas up. Every time we stopped we switched games and activities. We watched Harry Potter 1 and 2 (spoiler alert, this becomes our first every family HP marathon) and ate lots of good fast food and snacks! 

We made it 1000 miles! only 300 to go!
We finally made it home! Only to be told that our stuff wouldn't arrive for 4 more days. We didn't expect this as it was supposed to arrive a week before. We packed with their confirmation delivery date in mind, they PROMISED it wouldn't change, then it did. Ahhhhh, now to find some stuff to sleep on. 
We just swam while we waited. And ate Costco pizza while we shopped. 

Until next time...

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