Monday, November 29, 2021


We did something a little unexpected in late September. We know that we want to breed our Cora puppy at least once. It's not really about the money, but more about the puppy experience. Some of mine and Tyler's fondest memories growing up revolve around finding and playing with brand new puppies. We started looking into the process of getting a litter of puppies from Cora. The whole, find a stud and leave Cora there, just didn't sit well.



He is a mini Australian Shepherd, named Quigley. He is technically half mini and half toy, so he may be smaller that Cora. We named them each after the main characters from, Quigley Down Under. Tyler is very proud of their clever names. 

The children cart him around like a baby doll and he just TAKES IT! He and Cora get along great! We are off to a great start! I always said I would NEVER have two dogs. Cora was it. And here we are nevering like we've never nevered before! Tyler is so great with her, that I don't do most of the dog life chores. He's trained her so well and put so much work into her that I trust him to do the same with Quigley. 

He's so fluffy that he looks like a little bear cub from behind. I call him Mr. Quigley Bear. 

He likes to taunt Cora and then hide under my chair where she can't get to him. 

Tyler is in his happy place with these two pups. They are very loved and VERY spoiled. Here's to training a new puppy just as Cora figured it all out! 

Until next time...

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