Sunday, November 28, 2021

Box Elder County Fair 2021

The biggest week of the year has come! Since Trophy was born in January, we have been working towards the Junior Livestock Show. Most of July and August were spent working, working, working with goats. 

We started by clipping Trophy and getting him looking good! If no one told you, 4H animal projects are FAMILY projects. All of us helped one way or another. Sometimes the children are caught sneaking into Papaw's room to watch TV. 

Grayson is not the only one to show a goat this year. Nolan is showing "fat" Farrah in the breeding show. He cannot sell an animal at auction until he is 9, but he can participate for ribbons. Farrah is an old nanny goat that Papaw let him borrow for the show. Nolan walked her all summer long. She will do just about anything for any kind of treat. She is a GREAT goat for our first timer 4H-ers. Nolan did so great! He was pretty nervous, he didn't give up and he remebered everything we worked on this summer. Not to mention how stinking cute he looked in his 4H dress and Texas hat! 

He came out victorious with a blue ribbon worth $6 and a slushy from McDonald's. 
After the Breeding Novelty show, it was time for weigh-in and pen assignments. After getting settled, the show was a couple days later. We lucked out this year. I am so grateful Kendra puts up with us. Grayson was lucky enough to be in her show group. She put up with all of Grayson's questions and enthusiasm. I'm sure it wasn't easy to worry about Grayson when it would have been much easier to only worry about her own goat, Seven. We are all very lucky to have a Kendra in our lives! 
I got to use my Cricut and I made the club pen sign! I enjoyed it! 

This is the face of a boy who is sooo dang excited just to get a blue ribbon! 
After all this time, guess what Trophy STILL doesn't like to do? Walk. It didn't look great but it also didn't look bad. Yay for finishing our first year of 4H! 

My mom came up for the show and we celebrated with ice cream for finishing the show and not getting dragged around by Trophy! 

After the show we partied while we waited for the Auction. We went to the rodeo and ate WAAAAY too much fair food! The chocolate strawberries are our favorite. 

One of the days, we helped clean up the auction barn before the auction. It was a good service opportunity for the kids!

My dad came up for the auction and we spent another day of fun at the fair. 

Auction day arrived! Grayson was coached by his dad to do a little "bit" while he was in the ring as Trophy was being auctioned. He flexed his muscles and tried to show off Trophy. This year the auction buyers we VERY generous! Grayson made $900 just at auction, not to mention the boosts. He is very grateful for this opportunity to start his mission fund!

Both boys, VERY proud of their blue ribbons. The ribbons paid out $6 each and they felt it was worth all their hard work! It would be great to have them continue to be this easily pleased! 

Until next time...

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