Sunday, November 28, 2021

August 2021

August was just as full as June and July. We did a little bit of binge buying treats, a little bit of golf and a little bit of fishing. We had really good luck at our favorite fishing spot! 

We spend so much time at Nana and Papaw's that we got to help clear the garden and pick some pumpkins. There were hiding vegetables, everywhere! 

Grayson had his yearly eye exam and his doctor suggested we give contacts a try. I said, "at 9?!". He proceeded to tell us that Grayson's eye prescription is pretty high. This "might" mean he doesn't have the best periphery from using glasses. Having contact lenses could help him have better periphery and his eyes wouldn't look quite so big with his thick lenses. Grayson decided he wanted to give them a try. So far we have been successful. I help him get them in and he has learned to take them out, clean them and put them away. 

Nolan lost another tooth! By Christmas he may only want his two front teeth! Both boys got hair cuts before the Fair and first day of school! 

We had a rare summer rainstorm. My yard and kids loved it. Nolan jumped so high to get a big splash! 

I recently acquired a Cricut and I'm excited to see what I can do with it! For some reason, Tyler and Lyla keep playing with Tommy's bike he left behind. 

There is always some sort of shenanigan going on when my people are awake. We learned a hard lesson about going to sleep in our bedrooms rather than playing around a being crazy. Lyla was hanging on the bunk bed. She and Nolan were messing around. He grabbed her to pull her off and she smacked her chin on the bottom bunk. The bruise is so bad now, that its a blessing she didn't crack her face open and need stitches. For the next little while, Lyla's face isn't dirty. She just has a GIANT, darkest-purple-I've-ever-seen bruise. Don't worry, it hasn't slowed her down a bit! 

Before we knew it, August was over and it was time to start school. Nolan 1st and Grayson 3rd. Both will be all day. This means both need school lunches, but only TWO carpool lines a day, yipee! Lyla and will have a lot of one-on-one time. She is about to start Waterford and get her preschool, on!

We have started football as well! We had one game in August to kick off the season, there is more to come in September!

Until next time...


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