Friday, March 10, 2017

October 2016

The beginning and ending of October presented out family with two VASTLY different lifestyles! In the beginning the boys and I took a trip to see my family for the weekend! Tyler stayed behind and spent the weekend working on homework that is more easily done without a wife and children present! We spent the weekend playing with fun toys and eating lots of good food! We always play with and wear Mr. Bentley out! Poor boy was so tired!

Next, we went to the dentist! The boys are proud to show off that they got toys and stickers, because they are cavity free!

Then, my sister gave birth to the chunkiest lump of cuteness! Just look at him!!

The leaves started falling and summer started coming to an end! My boys love to help Tyler rake and then jump in the leaves!


For Halloween, I found the coolest, yet lamest costumes! My boys LOVE dinosaurs and I found some used dragon costumes! They are so awesome! We laugh at the opportunity to make them look adorable, yet ridiculous! You only get to for so long you know! Then they form like, opinions and stuff... They also LOVE painting pumpkins. It is a favorite activity!



For our big Swallow get together we went fishing! It was so fun! It was a hatchery type of place, so the fish were pretty good size and a little easier to catch! We ate VERY well afterword! Well, I did. Many of the Swallows do not like fish; more for me! For late October, it was a BEAUTIFULLY warm day! I think I caught the 2nd biggest fish! My daddy would be proud!

We got some special news in October! We found out that we are expecting baby #3. Boy did we know it fast. I was completely incapacitated by the end of October. I'm on three medications, taking a 3 credit class and Tyler is taking 12 credits! We both have busy callings and the two boys to care for! There is no down time for this! There have been lots of tears as this is by far the hardest pregnancy! We only pray and have faith that we are blessed to endure this physical weakness. We are excited for baby, I just wish it was a little easier. The best things are never easy, however! We can only look forward to the second trimester! Baby is due on our anniversary! We love summer babies!
Until next time... 

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