Saturday, March 11, 2017

December 2016

December was just as difficult as October and November! We take it day by day and hope for the light at the end of the tunnel! 
Again with the chaos...


Tyler really needed some quiet time to finish some of his finals and my sister blessed her baby, so we took a trip to see my mom. I had a small weekend of relief and boy was I glad! We got to help my mom pick out and cut down a Christmas tree! They boys really had fun playing in the "jungle" as they called it the whole time we where there.

Grayson kept sneaking away with the chocolate milk and drinking it out of the carton. My boys love to go see Gramma and Grampa Jean.

We got to take some pictures at my nephew's blessing.

We came home to some snow. On one of Tyler's trips to the store he found snow shovels for the boys! They are so in love with those shovels! It's a great way to wait for the bus and wear them out!

Aunt Lillie came home from Mexico and we waited for a while for her to get off the plane! We are quite the troop when we are waiting.

Tyler took the boys to see the Salt Lake Temple Christmas lights and spend some one on one time with Lillie. I was not well and needed to stay home. 

Grayson is going to be a great doctor someday and Nolan LOVES when I practice the violin.

Tyler finished classes and turned 28! He deserves the award of best husband ever! He really took care of us for the last three months, cleaning, cooking, working and doing homework! I don't know what we would do without him! I am grateful for him working so unselfishly for our family! He never gives up! He's my super hero!

At work, he got to dress up as Santa for the daycare. He stopped by the house that day and surprised the boys! I don't know how, but they immediately knew it was him! I don't mind because these are the first Santa pictures they boys have taken! It was so cute to see how excited they were about Santa after he visited!

After Tyler's birthday we really start the Christmas festivities! This year, the boys were OBSESSED with instruments! Santa found some great instruments and they were in heaven! They are very blessed! Gramma got them some "motor-cycles" and they think they are ready to go camping! I got a GIANT pillow and Tyler got a dehydrator to dehydrate all the things! Oh, and a HUGE bucket of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans!



We had a great Christmas and are incredibly blessed! I am ready to feel better! Here's to hoping in the New Year!
Until next time...

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