Friday, March 10, 2017

November 2016

Spoiler alert: We survived November. Somehow. It was hard. My hunk-a-burnin-love is an amazing human. Somehow, he continues to manage his classes and take care of me! I am ready for January. 

I have had days where I feel like our life has fallen apart. It probably has, and hopefully it's temporary! Grayson can now open the marshmallow cereal and before I notice, eat too many of just the marshmallows! 

My mom came to visit for Grayson's first primary program! She brought easy meals, cleaned my house and helped with the kids! What would we do without moms?! Grayson was so so so so so so excited to talk in the microphone! He did a wonderful job! We love our 4 year old! My sister Chalese got creative with the camera and took some cute photos on one of the last sunny days of November!

Our house LOVES TV. No shame.
Shout out to my sister for letting us use her Disney Jr.! Lion Guard and Mickey Mouse have made the chaos... less. It's been heavensent to say the least!
She also visited and my boys finally got to meet their newest cousin! They were SO excited to feed him his bottle! He is such a good baby! And so stinking cute and squishy!

It stuck with Grayson, because his teacher sent me a picture of him feeding a doll at school! All on his own! Very sweet picture!

Grayson found my make-up one day. He proudly strutted into the room and said, "mom, my face!" He was very proud of himself. The mess however......

My boys have turned into quite the playmates! For the most part they play very well together! I've heard it doesn't last, but for now, I love their relationship!

Thanksgiving came and went. This year I'm thankful for Amazon and Walmart Pick-up! They have been lifesavers this pregnancy! It snowed and this is only the beginning of Snowpocalipse 2017! My boys love snow, because they like to eat it! We set up the Christmas tree! I love Christmas! This year, the boys are starting to understand Christmas! You'll see on the next blog!



Until next time....

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