Sunday, October 9, 2016

September 2016 Part II

We finally took the boys to Hogle Zoo! It was the perfect day! Not too hot, not too cold and Uncle Mitch's family got to come along! Mia and Nolan are best friends! They are quite the pair! Grayson was so scared of the bridge!

Tyler trying to magic the geyser!


Mia didn't know about the geyser and I've never laughed so hard!


The Seals and Polar Bear are definitely the favorite of my boys!


The boys got to go with Nana and Papaw to a work party! They got to ride in a carriage and pick pumpkins!

Grayson's pumpkin became his best friend! He wanted to take it on the school bus. When I said no, he told his pumpkin not to worry and that he would be right back. He wanted to eat with his pumpkin and even sleep with it! We put an end to the shenanigans when the pumpkin was rolled down the stairs on purpose!


We moved Nolan out of his playpen and now the boys are on bunk beds! They missed memo that it was bed time that first night! Eventually they fell asleep.

My oven broke and I was sad. We had to buy a new one, but were very blessed that the expense came on a third paycheck month! Out with the old and in with the new! I was able to get a VERY similar oven for a good price so I'm back to being not sad!


Tyler found a mask at DI. He will always be my superhero!

Nana and Papaw always have fun things to play with! Cousins and Iron Man masks, in particular! 


My boys love books! Especially our Dinosaurs and Trains book! 

 We adulted and had a family dinner without the parents present! Success!

My beautiful, busy, lovable, messy, children clogged the drain in our outside stairwell. Mostly with rocks, mud and dog food... and the right amount of water to create a cement of sorts. Just lovable, right?! Well, we were GONNA get to it, eventually. Then remembered when it rained GAZILLION gallons?? I do. We had to bail water out of the stairwell every few hours to keep the basement from flooding! Aunt Emily went to visit her sister and Uncle Mitch came to the rescue! He spent quite a few hours flooding, draining and cleaning out what he could! We eventually got it wet enough to push it all out! THEN we found out where the pipe actually went. THEN we found out how to use the sump pump in our back yard! A very tedious, yet, educational experience! We also got a new drain cover... like we should have like 6 months ago. Lesson learned, people!


October is getting cold... I don't love the winter like I used to....
Until next time...

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