Wednesday, August 2, 2023

June 2023

Nolan's team had an end of season party. We got together, ate some good food and played at Eagle Mountain Lake. It was such a fun day in the sun! 

Each member of Nolan's team got 1st place trophies to go with their rings. His coach also customized a small trophy for each boy. She gave them a specific award and nickname. Nolan got the Silver Slugger award for being an awesomely consistent and reliable hitter! He coach gave him the nickname "The Sleeper". He was so quiet and reserved that they didn't know what to expect from him until he showed out that he was coachable and could actually play some baseball!!

A poor unfortunate catfish found its way into the shallow waters of the beach. Tyler caught it with his hands and all the kids were freaking out wanting to touch it. It was eventually put back, but I don't know that it survived. 
We are getting ready to head back to Idaho for my sister's wedding. Luckily we have some things that will match so we are ready to look nice. 

Lyla has such an active imagination. It is always surprising to see what she comes up with when she dresses up to play. The kids begged me to take a picture on this picture wall at school lunch one day. Their poses crack me up! 

Fishing is still a big hit as Texas heat is still pre-heating. A ward member told us about a pond by their house and the fishing was great! Lots of fish that are hungry and bite fast! Everyone caught lots of fish! Nolan made sure to get some pictures this time, backwards t-shirt and all. 

For Easter the kids got a coupon book of activities they keep asking to do that are a little more on the expensive side of things. We took them to the Dallas World Aquarium and Kendra got to come along too! I really loved how the whole time I was in there I felt like I was legitimately in the rain forest. The aesthetic was on point. Aquarium is a bit of a stretch and it was a bit small for the $$, but welcome to Dallas. We had a great time and saw a bunch of fun animals. My favorite was seeing a Manatee! So cool! 

Our anniversary and Father's Day land very close to each other every summer. 12 years with this guy has been a journey! It's not always easy, but it's ALWAYS worth it! 

Lyla's team also had a quick get together at Cici's pizza. She got a big 'ol trophy, too! Grayson is pretty bummed that his age group does not. It is hard to start growing up. The real world tends to be rougher than a 11 year old expects. 

I thought it would be fun to tie dye with all my people. We took our time, prepared our space and only spilled a little bit of yellow dye all over my bench. Luckily it blends a little bit. Sadly we forgot to take an after picture. But they all turned out great! 

We found the greatest idea for Nolan's cake, but because the weekend was going to be so busy, we had to start it early! I was committed to making a stacked cake this time. Lillie gave me tips on what helped hers turnout so "square". Watch for next blog to see what it ends up becoming! 

My favorite summer activity of the summer is our Rangers vs Astros game! We picked this one on purpose, it is called the Silver Boot Series. Texas vs Texas It is always such a fun night. After our intense baseball season in the spring the kids knew so much more about what they were seeing on the field. It was fun to hear them talk, ask questions and clue into the actual game.

The kids recieved some unexpected gifts! Lyla got a foam hand, Nolan some sunglasses and Grayson got a shirt. 

Papaw and Nana brought binoculars and they were a hit. Everyone had a turn and it was so funny to watch them being used all game. 

First as bat of the night, Jose Altuve hit a home run! We loved the fire works and it's sooo funny to me how much Ranger fans hate him. I'm mean I get it, but it's still so funny. I've never been to an event where the crowds so sincerely booed a human being before. Cracked me up. All in all a truly wonderful evening of baseball and stadium snacks. 

July is the month of birthdays and even more traveling! 
Until next time...