Sunday, September 18, 2022

July: Grayson Turns 10!

 Whew, we finally made it to the end of July. July ends with Grayson's birthday. 

This kid is something special. He is just goodness. He is kind, helpful and funny. He can learning anything he sets his mind to! After the fair last year, he got a bit of spending money to buy a whip. He pulls it out every now and then. He is getting really good at it! He is very excited to go to 4th grade here in Texas. He also enjoyed the super fun astronaut costume. 

He requested a stacked cake this year. That was a first for me and I'd like more tips on how to get better! Also, every Pinterest ad LIES about how simple and easy drip frosting can be. LIES. He was happy with the end result and that's all that matters. 

He had his hopes and dreams set on this HUGE Lego pirate ship. It's expensive and I luckily found a good deal and he was so happy! He also love the Calvin and Hobbes books. I found a good deal on those, too. He's pretty lucky that we "knew" just what to get him, too. He also got a digital camera. I wish blogger could show videos because they are HILARIOUS! The camera has a green screen function and my kids have active imaginations. 

He is always willing to do hard things. He is the first to say sorry, the first to help and is always up for learning something new. I can barely keep him in clothes and shoes because he's growing so fast! We can't wait to see what 4th grade has in store for our Grayson boy! 

Until next time...

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