Sunday, September 18, 2022

July: Nolan Turns 8!

 We always kick of July with a birthday! Nolan had a big one this year. He turned 8! In August he gets baptized and we are excited for him to make that choice. 

He wanted a sports ball cake this year and it turned our pretty good! Doing each cupcake separately took a long time! Soccer balls are also very difficult to get the geometry jussssttt right. He got spoiled! He got Pokémon cards that were everywhere until we organized them all. He also got an outdoor adventurer kit and a new Texas shirt. We as a family got him a watch he's been begging for and some Heely's I got a good deal on. His face when he opened the shoes was very cute! He learned very quickly how to use them. He's a pro at rolling around in them everywhere we go. He was very impressed that everyone just "knew" what to get him that would make him happy! 

We took a family trip to the Dallas Temple, where we took some nice pictures of Nolan to celebrate him choosing to get baptized. The best picture of all was the one he took with his Daddy. He is Tyler's mini-me through and through. From looks to brains, they have it all! He is smart, creative and FULL of energy. He has a wonderful singing voice (ONE DAY HE WILL LOVE IT!) and it pretty athletic. He is observant; always watching and planning ahead. He will be capable of anything he dreams if Tyler and I can keep his energy pointed in the right direction. 

We met a boy in Nolan's Primary class that was one day older than him! This boy ALSO plays the piano (a first for us, we haven't met a boy who plays yet!). I'm SURE they're supposed to be friends. They haven't decided yet. They invited us over for cake and we had a nice time getting to know new people in our ward. They also had lots of Lego and a fun Astronaut costume.  

We got some really cute pictures of this boy! Even though we had to blurt our fart and poop more times than I can count. He also has his Daddy's fake smile. He's been working this summer on a piano duet with me at his baptsim!

We sure love our Nolie Polie!
Until next time... 

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