Sunday, September 18, 2022

July: In the Middle

In the middle of July, we met lots of people. We have been invited to a few different homes of members in our ward. Each time has been a blast! We've had cake, a 4th of July BBQ and more than one swim invite. It's humbling to watch the Lord take care of our family and surround us with those we need as we've moved away from our family. Tyler is now serving with the YM in our ward. I was called to be Nolan's primary teacher. The next week, they asked me to switch to Primary Singing Leader. I've never been the singing leader, but THEY. MOVE. MOUNTAINS. I'm intimidated in hoping that I can share the Spirit of primary music with these kiddos, while still having lots of fun. Tyler's intimidated as well, only because, I'm OCD and tend to go a little a lot overboard. 

Papaw looked and got a job in the Arlington area and they are  moving to Texas! We will be about an hour away from them. While they are waiting for their house to sell, they are renting a house in Grand Prairie and Alamo the English Mastiff needed a refugee camp. Tyler and I agreed. One weekend they came to build him a kennel in the back yard. A few weekends later we took in Alamo the refugee as they settled into their rental house. It was hot and it took a little more than suggestion to convince they take a break and drink some water. Papaw even jumped in the pool to cool off! Afterword, they kindly shoved us out the door and told us to go to a movie. We got to see the newest Thor. 

I'm not sure who needed the nap more? Nolan drew a cute message to greet Nana, Papaw and Kendra back to Texas! 

We were invited to swim and they just had a beautiful view of Eagle Mountain Lake. I could resist taking the picture. We swim every day. So much so that Lyla can now swim without a floatie. As long as she has goggles she can swim the length of the pool. We have been working on helping her learn to pause to take a breath and start swimming again. 

Nolan got brave and started doing front flips of the diving ledge at a ward members house. Grayson was willing to do them off the ledge under the waterfall, but didn't want any pictures. 

We are mostly moved in and so the kids have been getting less devices and we are back to mom school. One day they did these sticker by number pages and it was quiet. For like an hour. They are my new favorite kids distraction tool! One day I needed to be on the computer for more than a bit and they quietly played with kinetic sand. I can't believe school starts in about a month. 

Here in Texas, school starts at 7:30 and the bus will stop by our place around 6:45. Lyla will be going to all day Kindergarten. To stay that we are on the morning routine struggle bus, is an understatement. We are doomed. We have spent June and July weaning Lyla off of naps. This is how its going. Wish us luck. 

Until next time...

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