Sunday, August 2, 2020

June 2020

Whew, the next few blogs are busy, busy, BUSY! A few things calmed down and we got to get out and about. 

We finished this crazy, never-before-seen, school year. We commemorated with a "last day of school picture". Grayson worked so so hard. He and Nolan will start mom school soon and stay busy for the summer. 
2019-2020 1st Grade
We had a freak hailstorm. I have never seen that much hail come down, that quickly! It was crazy. I avoided the garden for a few days just because I couldn't bear to see the damage. I was very lucky and only had to replant the cucumber starts. we added a bunch of free compost to the garden and yard. It will be interesting to see if it actually makes a difference. 

The kids have been busy being silly and playing outside. Lyla gets all dressed up to play as a unicorn. She is very good at the noises. We've been going to yard sales a lot this year and the kids keep finding fun and cheap things to buy. Kendra worked at a snow-shack so we visited her. A LOT! We love snow cones! We also did a lot of yard clean-up. We burned all the random stuff and Kenney and Teresa's and celebrated the hard work with s'mores. We found a fun cupcake decorating kit at Wal-mart and it was fun to see the kids' creativity. 

The boys were able to baseball this summer! We were afraid it wouldn't happen, but were surprised by a last minute sign-up! We had a great little team with lots of help from Tommy and Papaw. We had a bunch of kids from church and school. I think the boys really enjoyed themselves. 

We ended June with Tyler's Judy Family reunion! It was great with lots of fun activities! The kids LOVED the kids store and circus games. The boys won tug-o-war and got medals for their efforts! The human pinata was incredibly funny to watch! The kids had to chase the pinata and pull as much candy off the runner as possible! We were the "labor" for one of the meals and Grayson has a talent for flipping pancakes. I think he flipped 90% of the pancakes for a VERY large crowd! We did service, had lots of cousin time and ended up with VERY tired children. It was a blast. 


Tyler's mom is #2 of 14 children, so there is quite a crowd when any of them get together! 

We ended the reunion, but saying goodbye to Lillie, Colton and Daisie. They are headed to Galveston, TX for medical school. We will miss them! 

On June 18th, we celebrated our 9th anniversary! We are luck Kendra was willing to sit the kids for us. They had more fun with here than they would with us! We had a nice day on the town, eating and spending a bit of $$$

Next up, It's birthday month! 
Until next time...

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