Sunday, August 2, 2020

July 2020: Part 2: Middle of July

We started July with fireworks! We did a few a Nana and Papaw's. The kids also helped them pick up flags. 

Both Nolan and Grayson are pretty scared of the water. They enjoy swimming, but only just the right circumstances. We felt like it was time for them to take some swimming lessons. Let me tell you! These boy now LOVE the water! They practice all the new skills they learned and are more brave in the water. I'm proud of them for trying so hard to be brave in the class and do what the teacher asked even if they were afraid. 

The garden has been a great source of enjoyment for us this year. We love zucchini and peas the most! We can't wait for the corn and sunflowers to be ready! 

We took the kids to a monster truck rally. It was just ok. It was too much money for just ok. Lyla got bored and the kids downed some kettle corn. I think the boys had fun, especially the last 15 minutes where all the trucks were out together. 


WE finished up baseball and the boys had a fun season! We were busy about 4 nights a week and we are ready for a little break! Lyla knows how to get treats out of Aunt Kendra during the games. I love to watch the boys play catcher, it's never the favorite position, but they look so cute in all the gear!

We ended July with a fun family reunion with my family. We went camping, swimming and treasure hunting! We painted rocks and had lots of fun cousin time! 


July was great and we aren't even done!
Up next, Grayson's Birthday! 
Until next time...

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