Sunday, June 7, 2020

May: Part 3

After Bear Lake, we headed home and celebrated our Lyla Jean. She is three this year and Frozen is the current obsession. She was very clear that she wanted and Elsa dress and Elsa hair. I did my best, people!


She couldn't handle all the new Frozen toys!


These pictures clearly show her adorable reaction to the Elsa dress and hair. "NOOO WAYYYYY!" is what she declared.


This little girl the perfect caboose to our family! She is loving and spunky. She is smart and observant. She is something else! We are better because she came to our home.


During the week, while I was editing Bear Lake pictures, Tyler took the kids to hang out with Nana and Tommy. The boys played wiffle ball and Lyla helped her Nana in the garden. Lyla also lvoes her Uncle Tommy and got a photo-op on his new motorbike.

This picture is TOO adorable to not be giant.
The weekend after we celebrated Lyla, we went to Idaho and celebrated my sister, Chalese, and her graduation from high school. First, we got LOTS of Ranger and 4-wheeler rides. We also got to help Gramma Jean in her AMAZING garden.




We also took all the troops to Jensen's Grove. The kids have never been there and it was a perfect day! At first, it was a little cold. It quickly warmed up and everyone had a blast!





We cleaned everyone up and headed to Chalese's graduation. Her school is VERY small and was able to hold a small gathering. We weren't able to attend, but waited outside for her! There were some confetti canons and it was funny to watch her face!


On Sunday, we had home church with my mom and grandparents. A sweet friend of my grandma's attended as well. It was a very nice Sunday, indeed. 
My children came home with large amounts of cotton candy, from Chalese's party. They are STILL on a sugar high.
When we got home, it was time to check Grayson out from 1st grade. Having school canceled was hard for him, because he really loves and really missed his school people. His teachers worked so hard to meet his needs and we received some REALLY great resources from his IEP team we wouldn't otherwise have. They will be VERY used this summer. 

I can't begin to tell you how much I love this lady, because of the palpable love I can feel she has for Grayson (dramatic, I know). That love had a HUGE impact on the amazing year our Grayson boy had in 1st grade. He works so hard to rise above his difficulties. She loved him through his idiosyncrasies and he really shined this year! We are sad about the time we missed with her, but are looking forward to 2nd grade! And hey, who knows? Maybe he will get her in 3rd grade...( I hear she moved up!) 
This lady gave us SO many resources to keep this boy reading during quarantine. I'm so grateful for the hard work she did for us and all the inspired ideas she was willing to share!

First and last day of school picture! He lost a bunch of teeth and grew a bunch of inches. Here's to 2nd grade!

In the fall, there will be TWO kids that start school. When did they get old enough to BOTH be in school?? 

"Quarantine" had lightened a bit and life is speeding back up. I didn't hate quarantine and it gave us the opportunity to do somethings we might not have been able to do. Our lives seem to only get more busy and COVID-19 allowed us to slow down and refresh. For instance, I started the boys on learning the piano. I love it and they think it's just o.k. Too bad, they are in for the long haul. Tyler and I require two things of them: piano and baseball. This summer will be full of both! 
SUMMER IS HERE and we are off to June! 
Until next time... 

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