Sunday, August 2, 2020

July 2020: Part 1: Nolan turns 6

We start July with Nolan's birthday! This year, he turned 6! Because of all our traveling, the boy ended up with about 3 birthday celebrations! 

The first, was with my mom on her birthday! First, they played in the pool and then we had cake! He loves Spider-man and I'm pretty sure he was a VERY happy boy!  

The second, was a day of swimming, fishing and Hot Wheels. He went down the slide at the pool all by himself for the first time! The fishing wasn't good, but we found some stranded minnows and spent some time saving as many as we could. We came home to find that the Primary had decorated the sidewalk. It made him feel VERY special. 

The third, was a Nana and Papaw's. He celebrated with his birthday buddy, Sammy. He got Texas stuff and a firework show! 

This Kid- He is SO excited and SO ready for Kindergarten. I can't wait to see who he blossoms to be at school. I wish it wasn't such a crazy year for him to start. He's a very smart boy and is just like his daddy. He loves to play and he is very good at creating new ways to play! We love our Noli-Poli. 

Until next time...

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