Sunday, September 29, 2019

July 2019: Nolan Turns 5!

My goofy boy is 5! I'm not sure where the time has gone! He was very excited to turn 5 this year! Most of his pictures include a silly face!


 He is a swimmer and begged to go swimming! We went to Ogden and experienced the COLDEST 4th of July ever! We had a family BBQ with Nolan's favorite, hamburgers and hotdogs!


Just look at the frozen children! I didn't even get in! I would have died of hypothermia!

We ended with cake and presents! 


We ended the night in hoodies and lighted some fireworks!


Nolan worked really hard this year in an online preschool program, he graduated and is ready for Kindergarten next year! He's a smart boy! 
We love our Noly-Poly! He will be able to achieve anything if we can harness his appetites for good! He loves his family and always tries his best! Happy 5th Birthday, Nolan! 


Until next time... 

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