Sunday, September 29, 2019

July 2019: Swimming, Fishing and Fireworks

We are SO lucky that Mitch and Emily made a cool friend in their ward. They have a pool! A HEATED pool. Truly, dreams do come true! We have so much fun when we are invited!




These kiddos are water bugs! It took a sno-cone bribe, but even Grayson was willing to jump in!
The progression photos are hilarious! Zachy missed the memo that it was time to jump and was drug in, instead!




Next, we went to a friends birthday party! Tyler started a water fight and had to pay the price! The kids had fun with water balloons until the "big kids" joined in.


A gaggle of goofy kids! 

On Pioneer day, a friend took us fishing to the coolest place! You will see it again! We had a TON of fun! 


The kids found a duck to chase! 
Grayson has always been our brave fish kisser! 

Tyler was the last to catch a fish! Thank goodness he proved his manliness before we packed up for home!

When we bought a home we couldn't have guessed how great of a neighborhood we could have chosen! We are so blessed to live by genuine, kind and loving neighbors! One neighbor invited EVERY family in the ward to come watch fireworks at his home. Quite a crowd showed up and we had a blast! He had at least 100 sparklers and the kids were in heaven! He put on quite a show and my kids love him for the genuine kindness he shows to them!

Until next time...

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