Sunday, September 29, 2019

July 2019: Bentley's Baptism and Staycation

Right after Nolan's birthday, we headed south. My nephew got baptized and we spent the weekend with them!
They took us to the aquarium..... The butterflies landed on us!
Lyla went on the rope bridge all by herself! The other two whined about it being, "too scary".



We also visited Scheel's and spent some time swimming! The water here was cold TOO! Unacceptable! Is it too much to ask for a decent temperature pool??  Nolan would NOT get out of the pool! Too much fun, despite the cold water!


Shortly after we returned, I got a new camera! I'm in love and having fun figuring it out! This just means that I have SO MANY pictures, too many to choose from! I'm already happy with it! Tyler was on a softball team and I tried to get some fun pictures!



 Look at these little people! I love them, fake smiles and all!

Until next time...

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