Sunday, November 26, 2017

Nolan is 3-July 2017

My blonde little baby is three! Where does the time go! He share's his birthday with 2 other cousins and is close to the 4th of July, so he usually gets to celebrate more than once!
We went swimming one day, celebrated with Sammy the next, and ate cake with Gramma after that!

He got a tent to share with his brother and they slept in it for like a week!


Noli LOVES airplanes, and I did my best to give him an airplane cake. My frosting wasn't stiff enough. It's ALMOST a pinterest "nailed it".

We love our Nolan boy. He is just like his daddy in so many ways! He is definitely a middle child, but perfect for our family! He knows just how to love his baby sister. He knows perfectly how to love his big brother! He is so sweet and spicy. He has so much language that we are never sure what he is going to say! I love to listen to his pretend play when he doesn't know I'm listening. He is very creative! He would spend every minute outside if I would let him. He loves his "puppy" and misses her when we are gone! His favorite foods are spaghetti and green beans. His favorite treat is a sucker. His favorite song in nursery is the "Jesus Beep" song (Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam) and he loves church because of nursery. 
We love you Nolan! Happy 3rd Birthday!

Until next time...

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