Sunday, November 26, 2017

July 2017

July always seems to be our busiest month! It's summer and there are two birthdays so we like to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Tyler finished those 9 credits in 8 weeks and we really needed whatever break we could get before the next 10 credits started!

Lyla turned 2 months old and started giving us smiles! She is very sweet and a very good baby! She is my first to have a "witching hour", but we are enduring well!


The boys still love hold Lyla and enjoy every second! Nolan knows the importance of the bow and I caught him trying to put it on her one day.

Tyler got the gun he has been wishing for since last year. Grayson learned "hook 'em horns" and the boys had fun a primary activity day, especially the popsicles!


This first is picture is where the boys hid while we had fireworks. They were scared because Uncle Tommy almost blew up the neighborhood. We couldn't get them to come out of the house after than! Grayson is leaning to write his name and we are proud of the progress he is making before kindergarten starts!


Tyler showed the boys how he can trace them! They had fun looking at their shapes and saying who was who!


Aunt Lillie got married and we spent a very fun day with family. Grayson REALLY liked the frosting off of the cake.


Thank you Jericka for the cute family photo! The boys just keep getting better at the facing and smiling for the camera thing! 

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