Thursday, November 16, 2017

May 2017 Part Tres: Welcome Lyla Jean

We are proud to announce, that baby girl is here! We are all safe and healthy! Thursday, May 25, started with our last doctor appointment. Things had progressed nicely enough, that our doctor felt comfortable moving things along. He sent us home to walk and get contractions consistent. He said he would be surprised not to see us that afternoon! He was right. We sent the boys to Nana's in the afternoon and went to the hospital. Mean nurse lady said, it was early labor and told us to walk around. LIES, I said! Nice doctor man found us wandering the halls and broke my water! Mean nurse lady was upset. Boo. Nice doctor man broke my water around 5 pm. I was given an epidural and pitocin a couple hours after that at around 6 cm in!

You'd thing I'd had her in the wee hours of the morning. Guys, this is like 8:30.

5 hours later at around 10 pm it was go time! She was smaller than both boys at 7lb 2oz and by far my easiest delivery! My body was VERY grateful! If I hadn't birthed her myself I wouldn't have guessed her to be mine! She came out with dark hair and dark skin! It's genetics, they say?

We are so happy to have her here! I am so relieved to no longer be pregnant! The boys love her more than I could have ever expected! We got to spend most of the next day together at the hospital while all the babysitters were previously engaged. It was a special time as a family.


She is a very special girl! On my side of the family she is the first girl in 15 years! She was also born on the same day as my sister Chalese. Chalese was the girl born 15 years ago! Poetic, right? She is named after my grandparents, Lyle and Jean. 



We love her and already can't remember what it was like with just the boys!
Welcome Lyla! Here's to eternity!

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