Friday, November 17, 2017

June 2017

These boy just love their baby sister! They are so good with her; they love her, but not too much to make me crazy. They ask to hold her in their beds to say good night. One day they decided she needed a "check'm'up".  Nolan will just sit and look at her, touch her face, and talk to her. 



Little Miss Lyla a growing quick! Cute pictures at 1 week old, 2 weeks old, 3 weeks old and 1 month old!

She is a sleepy baby! Most of her pictures are of her sleeping!
We went to Idaho for my mom's 50th birthday! Lyla met her namesakes for the first time! I love them and couldn't have asked for better grandparents! Lyla has quite the legacy to remember in her name!

The boys love to visit Gramma's and Gramma Jean' house. They got to pick strawberries and ride the four-wheeler. There is so much open space outside and they eat it up! They are farm boys by nature! 

We saw Grandpa and went to my cousins wedding. We were able to get a family picture at the temple. Not too bad if I do say so myself!


Grayson has become such a good helper! He carried box after box, when we helped Emma move. 

Lillie is getting married and her dress is HUGE! Grayson saw her in it and said, "oooh! A princess!". He then crawled under her dress and hid for a few minutes, before popping out! It was so funny!


We are adjusting to a life of three kids. We are outnumbered now and that can be a challenge. I don't think Tyler has realized that he will be watching 3 kids alone on Sundays when we go back to church and I play the organ. Sometimes every one just need Daddy to make it all better! We love Tyler. He's the best! He is taking 9 credits is 8 weeks. Wish us luck!

July is ALWAYS a big and busy month! 2 birthdays and much more to come!
Until next time...

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