Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ty and Chy

We both have been incredibly busy. It just is what it is. I know I always say that, but it seems that we are always behind on something or trying to get caught up!
We went to a wedding in December and got a kinda family picture! It's not the best, but we've changed a lot since our last!

Tyler went hunting this year and tried to learn to whistle. He also turned 26!


We built Nativities out of candy and argued how best to build the lego Nativity.

As a family we were the Wisemen and woman. Nolan was the smallest and got to be baby Jesus! BOO-Yah!

Then the New Year started and life went back to normal! And more busy than the last! Tyler is taking a whole new set of classes and I'm currently taking two as well, after having just finished one. Ah the joys of renewing ones teaching license! The Up to 3 program offers classes for the parents that I have been taking. They are so incredibly helpful! It's even better that I can count them toward my required credits as a non-teaching educator! Tuesdays, Tyler has class. Wednesdays, I have class and Thursdays we have a class for Grayson. Not to mention homework days, speech therapy appointments and piano lessons! We are getting a little burnt out. Soon I will be done with classes and we can slow down a bit! 
Tyler after much planning and deciding-convinced me to get a dog! We have been wanting one for quite sometime, but really struggeled with what to get. After much research we decided on an English Mastiff. Yes, they are HUGE. But it was honestly the smallest evil where we got everything else we wanted. She is named Bluebonnet after the flower in Texas. Tyler's dad bought her breeding partner and he is named Big Alamo! See? They are lovers already. She has been a great dog and I can tell she loves my kids and will watch over them! Without further ado- Introducing... 


Until next time!

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