Friday, September 18, 2015

January and February 2015

Look how far behind I am!!! It's downright despicable! So here goes! My big catch up adventure!

We had a really mild winter this year! There wasn't a lot of snow and it wasn't really that cold! It was so mild that it froze one day, defrosted the next and broke a pipe that tried to flood my basement! From that we learned how to turn water off to the sprinkler system!
It was still cold enough to bundle the smiley baby up. Grayson also really enjoyed papaws fake fireplace. It was nice and cozy!


Nolan boy learned to be superman as he practiced rollin over! Grayson went to a singing class and enjoyed dancing with scarves! Nolan is just like his big brother and has a profound love for anything round or ball shaped!


Blue quickly became a quick addition to the family. Below she is with her future husband, Alamo. Tyler insists on taking her many places! She was very scared for her first car ride. The boys have each become taken with their new puppy. However, Nolan seems to be her favorite!



As you can see Grayson is learning to share better. He likes to share with the dog and then baby brother! Grayson also really like papaws office. He likes to steal the calculator and push all the buttons! Lastly, a picture of lillie. We miss her!

In February, I turned 26! Look at all the candles! Tyler and I were also able to go to an Elder's Quorum Valentine's date. It was nice! Yummy food and good company!
Look at that MAN BEARD! 

Up next, March and April! NEXT!!!!

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