Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nolan Baby's Birthday!

My baby boy turned 1! As usual it was quite the event! I had a lot of fun looking for a cute cakes to make that weren't hard! And I found the glory that is cupcake cake! It's now a tradition. Just you wait!
For the first time in his life he decided to be a dainty eater! Let me tell that is not the truth! He is all boy and ALL mess! He loves anything round that resembles a ball. He got lots of those from his loved ones! Including a ball pit from my mom!



We are so blessed to have this little boy! By his birthday he is still not walking! But let me tell you, he could be an olympic crawler! He is so fast he might as well be running! He is a smiley and fun little boy! He loves his brother! He is very like his daddy in that he is trying to make people smile or laugh! He NEEDS to be the center of attention! He is going to be quite the handful! He loves homemade orange chicken, his dog, Blue and being outside. He can say ball and dad.



Happy Birthday Nolan!
Until next time.....

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