Friday, September 18, 2015

May and June

First off, this girl just up and left us all! I don't know what we will do without Lillie! But she is serving a mission in Mexico, so I guess it'll be ok! 


Nolan learned to stand and make more messes! Notice the first two are the same shirt, because they were the SAME DAY! He dropped the WHOLE bottle of vanilla at the store! He also got stuck in the hamper! Funniest thing ever!

Grayson is slowly training Nolan to be his servant. We see Nolan pushing Grayson to his heart's content! Blue is a good seat, apparently. Grayson is showing Texas pride for Tyler's family reunion. He also started a parent-free preschool two days a week until he turns 3. It was quite the adjustment. Grayson also had fun shaking the baby powder.


The boys are starting to become playmates. It took them awhile, but the are starting to view each other as friends. They have started wrestling. It's hilarious. For now, anyways.


Blue is gowing like a weed. Faster than a weed actually... The first picutre is her passed out during a road trip. She needed a new bigger dog house (Tyler used for scale). Grayson likes to use it has a play house. lol. We tried to be nice and give her a comfy old fouton mattress, but she tore it up. All. Over. The. Yard. Finally against the couch you can see how big she is really getting. She spreads out as far as she can to sleep. And snores like a trucker!


Memorial Day, brought upon us a bittersweet visit to my brother's grave in Rexburg.

But the kids had fun! Nolan got a four-wheeler ride with Great-Grandpa Peterson!
Tyler got a new toy..

And as a family we visited a local zoo(zoo? it's really small and cheap), but fun nonetheless! 


Lastly, family pictures were taken, by the talented Kiana Don!

And I took pictures of the boys for my mom's birthday. They turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. Except for all the tears....



Until next time.... BIRTHDAYS!

1 comment:

  1. YESSS! I love me a good blog shout out!

    PS. Let's hang out soon!


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