Sunday, September 27, 2015

August 2015

Whew!!! Look at what I've done!!
Now, on to August!
First up, I want to prove to you how giant our dog is... The first is in January and the second in August. She will be 1 year old in November.

August was hot and we went swimming a lot! The boys really enjoyed it. Until the pool broke! However, I found a new one, for free!! Nolan loved the car. As long a Grayson isn't in it and pushing him. Go figure!

Tyler got a new fish tank. Yeah, I don't have many thoughts about it. It's a 55 gallon and the goldfish are like 4-6 inches long. The boys do love it. 

Nolan started letting go while when I wasn't looking. Grayson loves the guitar and Nolan won't stop climbing things! 

I think that they are brothers. Maybe? 
They also learned the art of the selfie. I also think they love their daddy? Go figure!

Nolan WON'T LET THE DOG ALONE! But she seems to love it. 

Then it was the fair! The boys were finally big enough to enjoy the parade! We had lots of fun and got LOTS of candy. Grayson got banned to the stroller because he kept playing in other people's yards. 

Can you guess what this next picture means? 
HE ESCAPED! And I had to get creative to keep him in! 
The end of August, meant the school started. We went on campus to get Tyler's books and the boys enjoyed the water feature! Tyler goes to school 4 days a week. On Tuesday's we only see him for 1 hour during his dinner break for work. The other days aren't too bad He does need prayers for calculus! It is really hard. ONE DAY, he will finish. We can't wait for that day! 
Tyler is licking the steering wheel because I had just deep cleaned the car and he purposely spilled food! Rude, I know! 

Then came one of the most dramatic days of my mommy life. Grayson went to his first day of school without me. The school is about 25 mins away from our home. Our school district is very large! Land wise. Population wise it is much smaller so children bus to schools farther from their homes than you would expect. They have two preschools for the district, but we are smack dab in the middle and the same difference from both. So Grayson has to-I mean gets to.... ride the bus. He has to, I mean gets to.. because it is too far away to drive him both ways and still afford food. Just kidding. We could afford anything our children need, but riding the bus is easier and a natural thing. So they tell me. Anyways, I drove him to school that first day. I wanted to take him to his classroom and help him adjust a bit before I left. They encourage routine and suggested I let him get used to the routine so I left as he broke down freaking out. I barely made it to the car without breaking down myself. I cried buckets of tears that day. I had abandoned my child and left him 25 mins away and had to just wait and hope the bus helped him home safely. I was upset. Upset that he had to go to school at all, upset that I couldn't take him to his classroom that day and upset that I was crying. It was a very hard day for me. He eventually came home and acted no worse for wear. The next session he rode the bus both ways. I cried again leaving him crying on a bus. I felt like he didn't understand that he was coming back and he would never see us again. Dramatic, I know. However, since that ride, he has excitedly got on the bus, waved to the driver and ridden with a smile. And I cried again! It's pathetic. It's a double edged sword people! He's adjusting and he's learning. I also hear they play lots of games with the bus aide, that probably helps. His teacher has since called and told us that he is adjusting and found his 2nd angel. We are looking forward to his progress this year! 

P.S. The red shirt is school picture day. I promised Tyler if they could get a good picture I would buy it, because I seriously didn't think they could do it! It is VERY hard to get him still and smiling! We are still waiting for the packets. We will see! 

Grayson Boy Turns 3!

I have a 3 year old! Time has flown! It has been quite the year for him! He has learned and experienced so much! He has been introduced to some many new situations that he was not comfortable with. AT ALL! He has come so far! He is considered to have a moderate speech delay. He speaks less than 50 words and they are hard to comprehend. He has been in the Early Intervention program called, Up to 3. They will forever have a special place in our heart! We learned SOO much and I felt so empowered to be a force of help in Grayson's development. If you have any concerns about your child FIND AN EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAM!!! Don't wait. Just do it. If I could go back I would have called them when he turned 18 months. As soon as he turned 3 however, it was time for him to move on to a different program. He was tested and qualified, for our school district's Special Education Preschool program. I have a love hate with this program. More on this later.
Grayson is our big boy! He loves his daddy and OUTSIDE! He has recently learned his animal sounds! And the horse is his favorite! So... I made him a horse! NAILED IT! He may or may not have stole a pre-birthday cupcake. This boys loves sweets! Like his mamma!


Grayson too is all boy! He loves to rough house, play outside, run, jump and any other dangerous activity! HE likes baseball and basketball and even kicking soccer balls! He has a love-hate relationship with Blue, but loves puppies, especially in movies! He is quickly becoming a three-nager, which is worse than any terrible twos! He is shy and reserved, and only picks the best people to trust and rely on. He has about 5 people that he feels most comfortable with (beside mom and dad). 2 of them are not family. One is at church and one is at pre-school. Sometimes with Grayson being behind in speech and social development, he gets left out or behind because he is quiet and keeps to himself. That also means he NEVER is comfortable leaving us. This means that nursery and preschool are crying, screaming fights that leave me feeling awful as I abandon him in his fear. Heavenly Father blessed Grayson with two angels that have changed that. Maybe that's dramatic to most, but to me it's real. One is a nursery leader and Grayson will run into his arms every Sunday and easily goes to class, with confidence. The other is a paraprofessional in his preschool class that makes him feel safe and at ease. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who blesses us to be able to climb our mountains of trial.

Until next time....

July Antics

July brought with it lots of hot weather and things to do!!
We started with Nolan's birthday.
Next, Blue got into my garden while I was watering (she likes the sprikler) and flattened everything! It was tragic.

Then we took the boys to Hogle Zoo! They liked it and I was surprised how small it was with how much money I paid! The boys liked all the water things so next, I think we will take them to the aquarium!


Next, lots of time was spent outside and climbing on daddy. The boys always go to the window when Tyler leaves from dinner to go back to work. They always laugh and giggle to say goodbye. I got it on camera and it's adorable!

These two boys are quickly becoming quite the pair! Nolan learned to climb things and our hair clippers broke in the middle of Grayson boy's hair cut! :( It was hilariously sad.

Then just before Grayson's birthday, Tommy and Kendra had tickets to Colorfest-where you throw colored chalk at each other? It... was... interesting... and dusty. Kendra got it in her mouth and they got it in my car! But it washed. Eventually. They seemed to really enjoy themselves!



Until next time.....