Friday, January 11, 2013

Top 10 of 2012

Every year, Tyler's family lists all of the big things that happened to them the last year and rate them according to importance. Tyler INSISTED that we do one of our own this year. Call us lame, but it took quite a bit of work to come up with 10 largish things that happened to us. A few people met us with laughs(Thanks, Teresa jk), but we decided they were important us and listed them anyway! I will start at the bottom.... If there are pictures, there are pictures. If not, oh, well.

10. I got crafty! Or well, a little bit! I always have big dreams about all the things I would like to make. Pregnancy made me nest, and nesting made my crafty. Kinda. I got to work on my own scrapbook, may burp rags and blankets. I also tried to patch the holes in Tyler's pants. The patches didn't last long cuz the boy is just so hard on pants!!

9. Swallow boys started golfing! I don't even know where the interest began, but I am grateful Tyler's dad always includes him. We've hit range balls. They have bought, bartered, and traded too many golf sets to count. I got to drive a golf cart. And the boys have come home laughing too many times for me to complain.

8. Tyler had the opportunity to coach Tommy's baseball team with his dad. It was soo fun!! I do enjoy an entertaining baseball game! I really enjoyed the opportunity to get out of the house and endure the last bit of pregnancy. I loved watching Tommy play and be a better player at the end of the season. Maybe this year Tyler can do it again and Grayson can tag along with his daddy! I'm so excited for this coming summer!

7. We became gun owners! It wasn't as big a deal to me because we always had guns. Hey, I got a rifle for my 12th birthday! I wonder where that is btw.. Anyways. My husband likes toys. After we went shooting after Thanksgiving, he couldn't stop talking about the guns he wanted to own. I did some undercover work and got him his lever action cowboy rifle. He sure loves it! Also, stricter gun control laws are crap and won't fix the problem. I'll step down from the soap box now.

6. Raise at work. Tyler got 2 raises this year. 2 of which we are VERY grateful for! Because of recent events we are learning to be grateful to just have a job. For that is more than most people can boast. It meets our needs, gives us extra for wants and will get our family through Tyler's schooling. It's all we can ask for. We have been truly blessed.

5. We both have "big kid callings". I became a visiting teacher. I'm learning to love my sisters and the service I can give to them. Tyler is the 1st Councilor in the Young Men's Presidency. He is such a good example for those boys. He wants them to succeed and find happiness in the gospel. He is a kid at heart, he fits in pretty naturally!

4. We have been very blessed in the Niece and Nephew department. In the summer of 2011. The three oldest Swallow children got married. By the end of 2012 all three of those couples had babies. We were blessed with niece Lynnlee and nephew Jace. They are such sweeties! My sisters little one, Bentley also turned one this yr. We love our families!


3. Tyler and I have been married a whole year!! Some may not think it is a feat, but we are happy and can't wait to spend eternity together!

2. TYLER GOT HIS ASSOCIATES DEGREE! Many have told me that this is not a big deal, because today an associates degree is equivalent to a high school diploma. This may be true, but my husband worked his BUTT off to get it and I couldn't be more proud of him and his fortitude! We have started USU and hope to finish in the next 20 yrs. At least that's how long it feels like it will be... just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming....

1. We were blessed to have Grayson Tyler join our family! He is such a special gift from heaven!! He brings laughs, smiles and happiness to our lives!! The last pic is because, again, gun control laws are crap. The end.

We are looking forward to the top 10 of 2013!! It's going to be a good year!
Until next time....

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