Friday, January 4, 2013

Tyler turns 24!


This handsome man of mine turned 24 on Dec. 23. I am grateful for that day and that am blessed to have him in mine and Grayson's lives. He is such a blessing to us! He works soo hard at early hours that we can be taken care of. He works 50 hours a week and takes two classes every semester so that we can have a brighter future. Yet, he still comes home and can't wait to spent time with our son and I. He is the best husband and an even better father. Grayson can't help but light up a room when he sees his daddy. He fulfills and calling and righteously holds his priesthood that we may have the power of God in our home. I don't where I would be without my sweet and handsome husband! He never ceases to make me laugh. I am happy as long as he love Grayson and I.
I'm sure you are tired of the sappiness, so I will move on.
We had quite the day planned for Tyler's birthday. We decided to go ice skating!! All the Swallow's went (Minus Mitch and Emily-We missed you!) and my family made a special trip to spend the day with us!
Chalese, Cal Lee and Kendra were all a little wary of the ice, but by the end all were skating alone!!

My Mom and In-laws watched Grayson and Jace. Apparently, this is baby sitting....

Next are pictures of everyone enjoying the ice....

Next, my husband got to open a very special present. I did a lot of run around to keep this present a secret from Tyler. I felt that he really deserved something special. You see he completed his Associates Degree in Dec. I am SOO proud of him! It was quite the road to get here! He worked very hard and took a lot of DUMB classes until we figured out what to do. After going shooting at Thanksgiving Tyler couldn't stop talking about getting a gun. He got a lever action .22 rifle! It is really cool and he calls it his cowboy gun! I'm glad he likes it! I love the look of concentration as he checks it out!! 

Until next time..... 

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