Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas 2012

I have always loved Christmas, but having your own child to have Christmas with sure changes things! I was more excited to experience things with him than I was about myself! We opened some presents early when my family came up for Tyler's birthday.
When I was growing up, every time a sibling was born my mom made them their very own stocking. I wanted to make all of my children's as well. This year I got to make Graysons!
No too bad if I say so myself!
We had my little sister Chalese for Christmas and she is a "belieber" so to say. We got her a Justin Bieber dress up book and jelly watch! I think she liked it! 

I didn't do too well with pictures, but my mom got us sleeping bags that we are VERY excited to use this summer! My dad got me a clock that plays hymns, Tyler a target for his new gun and Grayson a VERY warm coat! My mom also got Grayson a cool nightlight/noise machine, trucks he can chew on and books for church! They are great and he loves them very much. She got him this ball that lights up. He loves it but gets mad because he can't hold it himself!! It's super funny!! Below are pictures of his first Christmas!

On Christmas Eve, Tyler's side of the family started their traditional celbrations! We started by making Gingerbread Mangers. Tyler outshined all the rest with his magnificent work of art!

We finished by acting out the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Grayson was the only baby so he got to play Jesus. Which meant Tyler and I got to be Joseph and Mary (SCORE!). Lillie and Emma were wisewomen. Tommy was a shepard and Kendra was the angel. Notice the picture where I am 'great with child". It was a lot of fun!


Needless to say it is QUITE the event!!
My brother had us for Christmas this year. He and his girlfriend did a really good job! They got us Texas shirts! Each shirt has an orange longhorn on it and our name in black! Grayson got onsies to match!
We had a wonderful Christmas! We are grateful that a Savior was born to save us all! We hope you had a great Christmas and had the opportunity to reflect upon our Savior's gift! We encourage you to remember Him EVERY day!
Until next time.....

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