Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Where Does the Time Go?

People have mentioned it has been a while since I've updated. Indeed it has! A baby and husband happens to take most of my time!! We have just been truckin' away at our lives. Day after day we just go. We take each day one at a time, trying to relish that happiness that our lives happen to be!

Grayson turned six months old in January and 7 months in February! He finally was able to master his papaw trick!! My baby is growing MUCH to fast, but I LOVE all the new milestones and watching him grow.


On same day weekend of Grayson's half birthday, we experiences TWO special events. Little miss Kendra was baptized! She is a sweet sweet girl and Tyler was very happy to be a witness on his little sister's special day! Tyler's grandma flew in from Texas and we loved seeing her again!

Mr. Jace Thomas Miller was blessed the day after Kendra's baptism! He a cute cute boy! I LOVE the faced he makes!

And some big news for our family, this sexy fella,
Got a promotion at work! He went from being an hourly employee to a salaried supervisor!! I am grateful he is so hard working and constantly wants for our lives to progress and be better!! I have the best husband ever! He is also the best daddy ever! Our little boys sure does love him!! 

After Kendra's baptism we went to the Jump Zone in Logan for our Swamily meeting! I had a lot of fun getting to know my camera! I got a lot of fun shots! You will get to see how crazy some of our family is! Jumping for one hour is a WHOLE lot harder than you would think! lol!
The little girls liked to slide down the trampoline! It resulted in funny looking chins! 

We have been busy, busy!!
Until next time...

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