Sunday, July 23, 2023

Jan 2023

January is always the lightest month when it comes to pictures. We are recovering from all the Christmas and New Year's revelry. 
The biggest activity of the month was Ranger Fanfest! The kids got tickets as a Christmas present from Papaw and Nana. Tyler and I decided to tag along. It was $10 a person (which is AMAZING for DFW) and all the activities inside were free(which is saying something when water on game days is $7!). We had a blast! We got to go on the field, bounce in bounce houses, make bats, run the bases and get face painted. We got to tour the dugouts, locker rooms and get on the jumbotron! 

The kids even got to hit some wiffle balls. I was so impressed on how well they each did! Bring on baseball season!

There are so many pictures because we had SO MUCH fun! 10/10 would recommend to any Ranger Fan!  

We had Kendra over for few days and she took some fun pictures with the kids. 

We hit a big freeze in the first week of February. It's funny to see what Texan's buy for a week stuck at home. 

Spoiler alert, it was indeed a FULL WEEK of frozen rain and ice. 
Until next time...

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