Monday, April 25, 2022

Jan 2022

 After Thanksgiving and Christmas, January is always the LONGEST month of the year. Everyone is sick, it's the coldest time of the year, we are sad Christmas is over and we never really do much. January always has the least amount of pictures every year. 

In 3rd grade we have had a significant project due, every month. Grayson and I are both over achievers, so we have been learning to manage our abilities and expectations with each new project.  This book report may have been the most fun! We read the book, Dino Riders together and made a cute Triceratops. I don't do all the work, I guide Grayson to help him with his ideas. He signed my name along side his (when I wasn't looking) so every knew his momma helped him make it look so awesome. He was very proud of it. The boys got matching Space Jam shirts for Christmas. I think it is so funny that Space Jam was SOOO cool when I was in elementary school and it came back. It's crazy to see fashion and toys recycle. I hear gigapets are back again! Tyler is the best because he lets the kids get all up in his space and just loves it. 

At the beginning of each new year, we set individual and family goals. One of Grayson's goals is learning to cook a few "essentials". Mac and cheese was first on the list. His first attempt went well! We hope to cut back how much we help until he is successful alone! Lyla is getting ready for Kindergarten and Nolan is planning to get baptized this summer! 


A lot of things changed in our house in January. Tyler was called as the 2nd counselor in Elder's Quorums and I'm still serving as the Young Women's President. This means that we both have MULTIPLE meetings each Sunday. Throw in Tyler now having to work every other weekend,  and Sundays are now the hardest day of the week. On the Sundays he is home, we are ships passing in the day as we to go meetings and get the kids ready for church. On the Sundays he works, the kids get to tag along to most of my meetings. And church is now during naptime. Lyla is slowly transitioning out of naps, but she tends to crash on Sundays. One meeting, I looked over and she was OUT. Thank goodness for comfy chairs. She woke up NOT a fan of my meeting. One month into a 12 hr rotating shift and Tyler is looking elsewhere for employment. We hope Heavenly Father will lead us where we need to be. 


I love our little McKinnley. I got to have donuts with the kids one morning and I love spending time with them in their classes. 

The boys finally got the hang of how Lincoln Logs. They were very excited when I was willing to take a picture of their creations. Nolan and Lyla are either the best of friends or just picking at each other. This one picture proves that they can coexist in peace! 

We love our Quigley bear. He is probably at his full grown size and is just a good looking dog! He is still puppy crazy and gets the "zoomies". But we love that he is ours! 


I got an early birthday present, a Minky blanket. It's the nicest blanket I have ever owned. Tyler scoffed and did not believe. Now, he steals my blanket and taunts me with it. Rude. 

Baby goats have hit the ground. We are starting another 4-H adventure. It feels like we just finished and here we go again! Maybe if we start earlier, the goat will like us? Fingers crossed. 

Until next time...

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