Tuesday, May 19, 2020

March 2020

March started out by getting a little bit warmer! We had high hopes for March and then....... The Corona.
Our family lives their best life at the DI. We love to sift and play with the random things that we find. We find the funniest things sometimes, like an Elvis wig. Shoulda bought it, you never know when you're gonna need a good Elvis wig.

Lyla is VERY good at finding things to "fit her fancy"


Baby goats were born and we took sometime to go and visit them. They are sooo cute!

Tyler wanted a picture with a bigger baby Boer Goat.

I love my not-so-little littles. 

Grayson took a rec karate class and it ended in March. He enjoyed it, but I don't think we will do it again. He didn't seem to have any drive in class. The teacher was, interesting. Her wit was funny, but the kids never understood what she was saying. 

Long story ahead: Grayson's school has a money/behavior system. Good behavior gets you pride tickets. I noticed that about once a week, Grayson would come home with a rather large prize from the Pride Store where you can spend your pride tickets. One day he forgot to give the money back after lunch and we counted it. He had like 400 pride tickets! Grayson's been working so hard at having a GREAT school year! Well, one day, Nolan, Lyla and I were at the school. We saw the poster of things you can buy. They noticed an Olaf backpack and suggested to Grayson that Lyla would love it!! One day after school at pickup, Grayson showed up with THE Olaf backpack. He spent HIS money on his little sister! It was a sweet, loving experience!  

Nolan's been killing it at the big brother game, too! He found a fun way to push Lyla around on her trike. He has great ideas and his creativity is something else! He has also been working hard on his letter recognition and writing. I helped him spell the names and he copied them himself.

Those events bring us to March 13, 2020. On March 13th the Corona, aka COVID-19, changed our lives as we knew it. We got an announcement that school would resume online-only, church was canceled, and most people should work from home. Many restaurants and businesses closed and we were told to social distance and avoid going out as much as possible. Temples closed and many missions began to send missionaries home. People began to panic shop. It was impossible to fine, toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox wipes, GermX and many other essential goods. In March, we were good spirited and hopeful for the future.
We started quarantine with some St. Patrick's Day fun; green food ALL day!


The district started offering free lunch for ALL children and were were sure to take advantage. We were able to ride our bikes and meet school bus close to our house for a few weeks!

We started to have a personal "Church at home". The kids are great and so far we are enjoying the experience.

Just as the panic buying calmed down, there was a pretty large earthquake outside of Salt Lake City. I woke up thinking I was dizzy, only to realize it had to be an earthquake. The panic began again. Our family soothes panic by laughing. Here are some funnies I found helpful.

And, Grayson started "online school". This is a learning process, and the first few weeks of online school were very demanding. We found it difficult to do anything other than finish school work. After Spring Break, the quarantine was extended until May 1st. They changed the way work was set up and we found ourselves getting into a better routine. Grayson was so excited to see his teachers, that he couldn't help but wave hello at them even though the video wasn't live. In the last picture, everybody loves to hear a story from Mrs. Bailey!

On Sundays we get to talk to Tommy. In the picture below, we are sad for him, but excited for us because he is coming home as soon as arrangements can be made. Fiji has two cases and the island is quickly shutting down.

With "weeping and gnashing of teeth", Nolan learned to ride a bike! Now, it's his jam! He earned himself a new Spiderman bike, by continuing to try even though he was scared. He also got the spend the day with Tyler and his Papaw. They spent the day building Uncle Tommy's new room.


Grayson got a new bike as a growth spurt made his too small! Heaven help me clothe and feed this growing boy!

Our kids and teachers miss each other so much! The school did a drive by faculty parade to say hello and share some love from a distance. There was a wrong turned and we missed the parade. We were so sad and then overjoyed when they offered to come by again!  Our cute neighbor girl joined us for a quick parade.

The weather warmed up and we enjoyed a lot of outside time. We flew kites at Nana's house, had our first fire of the season and "climbed" trees. Can you guess who did and DIDN'T enjoy the tree climbing?? We also practiced riding our bikes on Nana's perfect bike riding road! 



Nolan LOVED that S'more. 

One day for Sunday lunch, Tyler made chocolate Toaster Strudels. Lyla REALLY REALLY liked hers. 

Spring is springing and we are ready to spend some more time in the sun. The flower bed is blooming and the kids LOVE the pretty flowers. Lyla's natural habitat is playing in the dirt. She has the attitude of a diva, but knows how to play like a farm girl. 
Tyler is still working and we are praying it continues to stay that way. We are incredibly blessed to have a steady job as our economy is quickly changing due to COVID-19. 
In April, we stay in quarantine.... mostly.
Until next time.... 

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