Sunday, October 9, 2016

August 2016

August was so busy! I don't even know where to begin!

We had fun at summer school lunch with with all the cousins (minus Sammy). We also got to go swimming again! This time we froze. It was a cloudy day and not perfect for swimming. It was a last hurrah.


As a group, we almost bought a horse. Alas, it was not meant to be, but Nolan LOVED riding him! He was a very happy boy!


Next, we went to another camping family reunion! It was the best location! Green grass, lots of shade and a water slide! We really enjoyed ourselves! There were so many fun things to do!

Grayson kept disrobing himself because he doesn't like wet clothes... but wouldn't let me put his swimsuit on.... sigh.... boys.....



I took a video of the slide fun!

We took the boys to Willow Park Zoo for a fun afternoon. They are a small zoo with mostly ducks and birds. Its fun to walk around on a nice cool day. 


Grayson and Nolan like to give hugs, when really they are tackling each other. We had lots of opportunities to take pictures with cousins. My boys really do not like taking pictures and I want new family photos with all my being... maybe someday...

Grayson doesn't make it through Primary very often. He can't handle 1pm church. The boys loved all the chocolate milk the Grandpa brought them. I love Nolie in his upside down glasses!


Nolan wants to be just like Daddy and wear the earpods. Grayson has started to say cheese with pictures, bit won't actually look at you the right way.


Tyler and I made a craft for Papaw's birthday! The boys were very helpful at "tapping".
Next, it was the county fair! We had a TON of fun at the parade! There was so much candy! Nolan couldn't get enough of the horses and Grayson loved the band! However, the favorite was the music the kid danced to! Watch the video below!


You will die! These kids sure know how to bust a move!

We let the kids ride a few rides this year and they LOVED it! We were gifted some extra tickets and they couldn't have enjoyed it more! 

My dad visited bringing lots of candy, chocolate milk and fun!

They boys love to help with Papaw's farm chores when he's away.


Tyler, along with his dad and brothers coached a baseball team this summer. They won the league! It was a lot of time requirements, but they were great team that really deserved to win with all of their hard work!

The end of August mean that Grayson went back for his 2nd year of special education preschool. He couldn't wait to ride the bus. I learned he was very sad that he had a new teacher this year! The night before the first day of school, the boys found a marker! Yay for me!
I think they were tickling each other...


Nolan had to get first day of school pictures too....

And that brings us to the end of August! Next up September!
Until next time...

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