Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Middle of July 2016

After the reunion, we had the whole month of July to go before Grayson's birthday!
Camping does not mean we get enough fire around here!

The "big" boys wanted to hit range balls before the big tournament! The little kids joined in the fun as well!

We tried going to free school lunch! It was fun, but my kids ate like NO food and wasted so much! They did enjoy the chocolate milk... Aunt Kendra is reaping the benefits of energetic nieces!

We watched some fireworks and every second for a half hour Nolan would proclaim, "Fire hot! Grayson favorite food is French Toast and he can basically make it himself!

Nana and Papaw recently had some baby chicks hatch! Nolan cannot stop talking about the "baby eggs". He helps to gather the eggs and always wants to keep one. Nana suggested that Tyler give him a hard boiled egg, but Tyler didn't choose the right one. Enjoy the hilarity below....

Grayson is still in need of a lot of speech services and were able to attend a summer speech program. Utah State University has a Graduate Student Speech Clinic. It's basically like student teaching for students getting their Master's degree to become a  Speech Language Pathologist. During the summer they only do the program for the month of July. 10 sesson over three weeks. That meant that Grayson and I traveled to Logan, Ut three times a week for most of July! We are SO grateful for Tyler's Mom and SIL Emily for watching Nolan for each session! His clinician and her supervisor were awesome! He really responded to them and enjoyed their teaching strategies!

We usually walk around campus before or after a session as a reward for working hard. One day we found this itty bitty pond, with GIANT tadpoles! Their heads were bigger than 50 cent pieces! It was so cool! I couldn't stop looking at it! Grayson liked looking at the fish...


I know this next part is after Grayson's birthday, but I want to share what we did on July 31st. Any respectable human being (jk) knows that July 31th is none other than Harry Potter's birthday! This year, our library did a really fun event celebrating his birthday! All the dads were at the golf tournament, so Emily and I took our kids to the celebrations! It was VERY fun! Our library did an awesome job putting the activities together!

They had a talking hat the sorted us all. Me into Ravenclaw, Grayson into Gryffindor and Nolan into Hufflepuff.

Lynnlee dressed up in some really great socks! Nolan went a little Voldemort crazy in the photobooth and Grayson was very photogenic!


They made chocolate frogs and a frothy drink that really pleased Nolan.

The kids ended by playing a friendly game of Quidditch. So cute and So fun! 

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