Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Fullmer Reunion July 2016

I belong to a VERY large family! My grandmother is one of 7 siblings! Every 4th of July weekend, her siblings and their families get together! We travel to Mackay, Id, where they were all born and raised. We head into the mountains, the most beautiful place to camp and enjoy each others company! We haven't been in a couple of years and made the trek up there!

We spent the morning playing in my Grammas garden while waiting to leave.

We tented it and I won the adult game of Tetris: fitting all the gear in the car.

WARNING: Awesome pictures ahead! My boys LOVED it! All the open space, dirt and water they could ask for! Not to mention sleeping in the tent and having a fire! I'm glad we went, it did not disappoint! 


Lots of water to watch and cross! Nolan only fell in once! They are so helpful to each other!

So many places to see and explore!

Beautiful flowers and my sweet sweet grandparents!

It rained every day for a short amount of time. Right around naptime. It was perfect, we got really nice naps in the cool air! It snowed once for an hr, but when it was gone, the weather was PERFECT! Not hot and not cold! The boys became addicted to riding four-wheelers.

My brother took Tyler and Grayson fishing one day. It was so cute to see this pictures after the fact!

My uncle took us on a "short" drive (lol inside joke) to a warm spring! Not a hot spring, but a warm spring. It was a LOT of fun! Apparently when people don't want their fish tanks anymore, they will dump the fish in this spring. Somehow, they survive the winter! If you feed them bread you can see the different kinds! There are giant koi and goldfish, along with bright blue and funny shaped fish. They seem to have mutated too... very interesting! The "big" kids had a lot of fun harassing each other in the water. Nolan was brave enough to sit in the water and Grayson wouldn't even think about it. Every time Tyler got close, Grayson would say, "Go away, Daddy!". Haha. It was a wonderful addition to our trip!


All in all, as a family we LOVE camping! Hoping for more trips before it gets cold again!
Until next time...

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