Tuesday, August 30, 2016

June 2016

We got to CAMP in June! We went to Tyler's family reunion in Idaho Falls! It was a short trip with a wonderful opportunity to see how the kids would do and if we had all the stuff we would need for a bigger camping trip in July! Needless to say, it was a blast! My kids really enjoyed it!

Soooo happy to be soooo dirty! 


Papaw's chair is the best place for a nap!

On the way home we stopped to see my dad! Grayson and Nolan had a lot of fun with Bentley! We turned to see them helping each other get drinks! Adorable!

Then, Tyler and I had the opportunity to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! My wonderful mother came to our place and stayed with the boys for the weekend! We spent the weekend in Salt Lake; eating, shopping and missing the boys! Grayson loved having Gramma stayed and begged for her to come back any time I told him no for something or other.
We stayed at a fun little castle bed and breakfast! And had Cheesecake Factory! Yummmm.

We went to IKEA and got drawers to match our bed! Night stands are next! Nolan helped Tyler build them as usual.

I'm telling you Grayson loves Sambo! He's a cutie and Grayson always gives him a hug when he sees him. Anyone have an idea on how to dig dog food and rocks out of a drain? Me neither. It's a work in progress. They usually do it when I'm not looking. Who'd a thunk?


Blues favorite spot! Nolan loves sunglasses and someone was really hungry. Again, I'm  not sure who....

June warmed up enough that we could go swimming! Both Grayson and Nolan like the idea of water, but don't really swim. Nolan barely moves and likes to have him animals swim. Grayson likes people to take him on the slide. And jumping in the really shallow parts!


Grayson loves popcorn while at Finding Dory. The boys can never seem to sleep at the right time when we have church that starts at 1pm. They were very unhappy and fell asleep right before we needed to leave. That's probably why Grayson sleeps in Primary. When Nolan gets quiet, it means he is probably sleeping. In a random place. With no clothes on.

Grayson was having a fun tickle fight with Gramma.

I decided the boys  needed new pictures! Just in time for birthdays! I can get good pictures of them by myself, but family ones? No can do. My favorite photographer is currently in Mexico, on a mission or something.. so no family pictures yet! Soon, but not yet! Anyways, LOOK AT THESE CUTIES! They have my whole heart! 


Next up, BIRTHDAYS! 
Until next time... 

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