It has been such a warm November! It was warm enough to fish and camp! Lyla took a quick plunge the day we closed the pool up for the "winter". Tyler and the kids were unable to attend our ward's "Father and Spawn" campout so we threw an evening together in the back yard.

Tyler had a work trip in Springdale, AR for a few days. It was close enough that he decided to rent a car and drive so that when he had extra time, he could visit Mitch's family. When he was about an hour away from home on after his trip, he was hit but a budget truck crossing traffic at the wrong time. He was very shaken up and feels extremely blessed that he walked away from the car without even needing to visit a doctor. He was spared by the hairs of his "chinny, chin, chin". I've never seen him that worried, anxious an grateful in the entire time I've known him. He is officially at zero fault and now we just wait to make sure the company files all the paperwork correctly!
Over Thanksgiving break, Tyler's mom celebrated her 60th birthday! We partied hard! She combined her two favorite things! A Harry Potter marathon and crafting for her grandbabies! Every movies, she pulled out another type of surprise or craft to keep everyone entertained!
As everyone came into town, we went to Cidercade. It was a blast and very reasonably priced. There was a goof-up at my part-time job and I needed to fix a LOT of mistakes before we could play. Cidercade is unlimited games, over 400 different arcade games. We love guitar hero, pinball, 4 player pong and so much more!
In order to finish all 8 Harry Potter movies, they must begin around 4am and finish around 10pm. The bigger grandkids stayed the night before to enjoy the WHOLE day! Lyla and Zach stayed with me and we watched 1 and 2 before they went to bed so they didn't miss ALL the fun. There were glasses, tattoos, HP stickers to decorate journals and water bottles, Hedwig balloons, and snacks upon snacks upon snacks. No thought was spared when showing these people how to love a Harry Potter marathon. We ended the day with a lovely Lemon Nothing Bundt (Tyler needs you to know he order and paid for it all on his own idea and efforts!)

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