Monday, September 2, 2024

June 2024

 A lot happened in June, but not as much as we are planning in July. We tried to take things slow and get into our new summer routine! 

Lyla lost another tooth. Loosing the top two is my favorite! 

Look how big our babies are! We said goodbye to them and they went to some really great homes. One of Lyla's teammates bought one and their friend bought the other. They both knew about the breed and what they were getting. The black puppy was a surprise for two kiddos who's Aussie died last year. The pictures were sweet and we are happy that everyone is happy! But we LOVED the time we had with out puppies and will miss them. They were so fun!

Grayson and Nolan got to spend the week at the our high school for a summer tennis camp. Grayson loved it and wants to play tennis in 7th grade. Nolan didn't love it, but did a great job, like he always does. Grayson was very adamant about the sweat bands.....

Our favorite family outing this year, was earlier than usual. Kenney is great a picking the less packed days with less annoying away fans. Because the Rangers won The World Series tickets were much more $$$ and we were higher up than usual. We will just have to save more for next year, because better seats are worth it! We had a blast, we eat the food, watch and game and Papaw even bought the kids a wheel spin for Rangers Swag. Grayson always gets Nachos. The other two love a good hamburger. Tyler in true dad fashion, got to finish the "adult" bbq nachos, Kenney and Teresa didn't finish. All in all our favorite family activity for the year!

This picture is our first Rangers game and our most recent. Such a fun memory to have! 

Grayson go to go to his first ever Young Men's Camp. They did 3 days of day camps. No overnights here. VERY much after the fact, we learned that it was Stripling Warrior themed. There was a hike, that they got lost one; hatchet throwing, which he loved; and a boating day that got rescheduled to Aug. Not to mention ALL the pizza and ice cream those boys could shovel down. Tyler didn't get to go, they didn't really need wards leaders the Stake had it handled. Grayson seemed like he had a good time and made better relationships with the other boys in the ward. He always says he doesn't really have friends at school. However, we have seen a MARKED change since he started YM and how friendly the boys his age have been at church. It's been wonderful. I was very much that same way. If he loves church and has friends there he will be OKAY! I made him take a before and after picture. He was happy, full and tired.  

While Grayson was a camp, Nolan had his friend over. He stayed the whole day and it flashed right by. We went to school lunch, swam, and played. All the things!

This next portion is going to sound dramatic to many, but this is my place to record our family events that mean something to us. Since we moved to Texas we have been INCREDIBLY loved and accepted in our new ward. We moved here ready to jump in. We wanted to serve and get to know and love the people here. I was put into Primary and then asked to do Primary Singing Time. This has been happiest and most fulfilling calling I have served in during my life so far. I LOVE church music and I LOVE teaching it. I love ALL my kiddos in Primary(and by association their families) and the many adults I can now call friends. We were so happy. I'll never forget the Thursday in June when we got an email that our Stake was making boundary changes. I was NOT okay losing a single primary kiddo and I was NOT okay with potentially moving out of our current ward. But we pushed forward with faith in our leaders. Tyler gave me the idea to do bells for the last Sunday before the changes were announced. I'm so glad he thought of that. I put a lot of last minute effort, but made bell charts for "I Will Be What I Believe" and "Nephi's Courage".   It was such a wonderful Sunday, one I will treasure (dramatic, I know). Our Bishop stopped in the last couple minutes as I was bearing my testimony. He later told Tyler it was a pleasure serving with him. So we weren't hopeful that we would get to stay in the ward. Much later that afternoon, we learned that we are the newest members of the Saginaw ward. ALL the wards in two Stakes were effected and many people were moved around, just like us. Words cannot describe how much we will miss Eagle Mountain, but we will jump right in to serve again. And hopefully keep our old friends and make some new ones. Our new ward, didn't lose as many as other wards, so we are afraid there isn't a place for us. I keep saying, "It might not BE or FEEL as good as our time in EM, but it will be FOR our good". Grayson has already made some new friendships. We are holding faith in our leaders who said they felt inspired to make these changes for the youth who need it most. 

Alright, dramatics are over, we will grieve this change a little less publicly. In February, when baseball starts we get WOEFULLY behind in our Come Follow Me studies. I love this picture of me and Lyla trying our best to get caught up. Spoiler alert: we do, but not until like, August. 

I said June was chill, because July is a PARTY! Over 400 pictures to share and over 200 of them are from our Swamily Trip to Branson!
Until next time... 

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