Wednesday, January 5, 2022

November 2021

 We, and I mean me, spent a lot of November getting ready for Christmas! 

Papaw got a new 4-wheeler and everyone got a ride! I made a new dessert that Tyler really loved! It looked so pretty in the end that we had to take a picture. 

The puppies are so cute together! Everyone spoils them rotten! Don't worry they make plenty of messes. They are HARD chewers, so they destroy their toys pretty quickly. Something about getting that squeaker!

Lyla had a rough day or two. She was very upset and tantrum-ed herself to sleep. Then she got caught drawing on the new couches. Good news... Lyla can write her name! She's been working so hard! Bad news.... she decided to sign the couch. Don't do the crime.... if you're gonna sign your own name. She was a lucky girl that a simple Clorox wipe cleaned it off. 

Tyler and Tommy did the annual Turkey Trot in town. This year they took Cora. The kids had fun cheering them on!

There is always fun to be had a Nana and Papaws house, especially with all the cousins and animals we get to play with! 

I got to go on a field trip with Nolan's class to the local fire station. We walked, it was fun and Lyla tagged along in all her glory.  

In my house growing up we would eat "cheese-wiches" for breakfast. They are grilled cheese sandwiches that we would dip in warm chocolate milk. It's something my grandpa LOVES to eat. He passed that tradition to my mom and my kids get it now and again. It's salty-sweet and delicious. Lyla wanted to make sure Grandpa Lyle saw her choice of breakfast.  

Grayson finsished all his 4-H requirements and received a check for Trophy. We cashed it, payed tithing and payed Papaw for feed. Papaw struck a deal to help Grayson stayed motivated in saving all his money for a mission. 

Around here, we LOVE activity days! Even the kids who aren't 7. For the last while it has been Tyler's calling. This Thanksgiving activity was Tyler's last in the calling. All the kids got to go because I has training. They made the cutest turkeys! We will miss Tyler being in the calling. Nolan will not get to go again until January. He'll be ok, he lost not just one, but BOTH front teeth. For the first tooth he said we tortured him, the second we took more time and he didn't think we tortured him quite as much. 

Before we went to my mom's for Thanksgiving, we set up Christmas! I LOVE when we get to set up Christmas! 
Don't worry, the puppies help, too!
The lights this year were a fiasco! We wanted to down size the tree, but none of the 6ft trees were very full. Then, none of the lights matched, so we had to wait until we got home from Thanksgiving to finish decorating. All of it was worth it. I think our tree was the prettiest this year that it's ever been! 

When I am with my family, I am the WORST at taking pictures. I only got a few while we were there. We went to Encanto, saw my dad and ate lots of good food! Nolan and Lyla helped Cal Lee set up my grammas Christmas tree as well. 

Right before Thanksgiving, we learned that Tyler's company was making changes. The "cut the fat" and eliminated about 15% of their middle and upper management. Thankfully, Tyler was not fired, but his schedule in January will be a rotating 12hr shift. We are disappointed in this change and Tyler is more motivated into finding a new position. We are at a point in life where work/life balance is a very important issue. This changed wiped out our work/live balance. Here's to some adjustments and changes coming in 2022!

Next month is CHRISTMAS! We just LOVE Christmas! I have been shopping, shopping, SHOPPING! I'm big on following the deals and I try not to pay full price for any Christmas item. It's been a roller coaster this year! We can't wait to share our adventures! 
Until next time...

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