Sunday, August 8, 2021

May 2021

 In May, the school year started to wind down in a giant whirlwind of busy!!

We biked and swam and walked in all of April to finish our city Sloth-a-thon! We finished! It was fun and we will most likely do it again!

The boys went to a Father and Son campout, so Lyla and I had a girls night. We even wore matching hats! They got rained on a bit. Okay, they got rained on a lot. 

As summer approaches we get to spend time at Tyler's mom and dad's house. There are plenty of chores to do and people to play with. We had our 1st 4H meeting and started walking goats that do no want to walk. Some of our 4H friends will also be our baseball friends in June! There was a surprise set of baby goats and they are adorable! One day it was even warm enough to have a water balloon fight with Uncle Tom and soon-to-be Aunt Emerie

Lyla and I went to a Mother/Daughter Spa night. It was the first time we've painted nails. She was scared a first, but enjoyed them in the end. 

For Mother's Day I treated myself to paying for haircuts instead of doing them for the boys like I usually do. I forgot after pictures, but everyone looks very nice with new hair cuts. 

This is how the kids felt about us coming home from Mexico....

This is how I felt about coming home from Mexico......

Our flight was delayed by like 3 hours and it was still cold in Utah when we arrived. Boo... I'm ready for Summer! 

On Lyla's birthday day the Young Men and Young Women went on a hike. My family got to come along. The first picture is how Lyla feels about everyone singing Happy Birthday to her. We did a really beautiful spring trail. The flowers were in bloom, it was cool and everything was very green! On this hike we saw hundreds, probably thousands of caterpillars. It was cool and gross all at the same time. They would hang from branches on their silk, kind of like spiders. If you weren't careful you could easily become covered in them! 

Finally, we always end May with Lyla Jean's birthday! She turned the big 4! She is something else, and we never know what she is going to throw at us yet! She is so funny and very athletic! I can't wait to see where this little world changer ends up! 
This year we did build-a-bear. My mom and gramma got her the unicorn and Tyler decided she NEEDED the birthday bear as well. Girl made out like a criminal! She also chose to eat at Pizza Pie CafĂ©. She was so excited to get a birthday monster! Unicorns are still a favorite and she requested one in cake form. 

In June we have Swamily, Girl's Camp, Texas Trip and baseball. June. Is. Rough. 
Until next time...