Sunday, March 28, 2021

Feb 2021

In February we started some goat chores. Trophy needed his horns burned and some vitamins. Grayson was very helpful when he wasn't worried about the super loud noises. 
We had a first time goat show meeting. He took excellent notes. Things like, "goat sandwich", "animal crackers", and "practice" were bold on his paper. Kendra REALLY loves when Grayson shares all the new things he learns. Especially when he assumes she has never shown a goat before. He's also quickly catching up to her height, I'm not sure she appreciates it. 

You can tell Grayson's first goat meeting kept his attention the ENTIRE time! 

Emily stopped by to help her sister drive to Arkansas where they will be moving. We were able to chat with her and meet Ender! He's not quite scared of people yet and was SOO nice to us! All smiles! We all quickly loved him! It was a fun, but quick afternoon. 

Next was my birthday! We FINALLY got pictures of my birthday! We usually forget. My baked a cake and we had a wonderful weekend. Lots of good food and shopping! This year, I was able to see 1st hand that my kids are growing up and I haven't completely failed in teaching them to do nice things for others. I woke up on my birthday to a lot of quiet business as I took a shower. Tyler was already at work. After much preparation, my children had cleaned the house, made me breakfast in bed and sang the sweetest Happy Birthday song I have ever heard! I'm so lucky they are mine! 

I remember having pets growing up, but I never loved them like these kids love their Cora. They. Just. LOVE HER! It is sweet to watch them love and care for her! She loves to go with us for school drop-off and pick-up. It's to funny to watch her be so attentive to all the things around her as we drive. The people here just can't get enough of her. 

Uncle Tom is clearly the favorite somedays. I'm not sure if he loves it or endures it. 

Valentine's Day was a little different this year. I was lucky enough to help in both classes. I haven't been able to help in Grayon's class this year because it's usually the same time as Nolan's parties. He was so excited just to have me there. Tyler made pink heart pancakes and the kids enjoyed lots of little goodies from us and Nana. My mom was here and took us all to see Croods II. It was funny and we enjoyed all the family time we got together! The kids loved racing their sticky ninja's down the walls. We did a family Valentine's date this year. We ate and Chili's, looked at all the cool animal in Petco and got fancy treats from a fancy bakery. In my opinion, it was a VERY fun family date. 

Nolan had his 100th day of school! He has done so well this year and adjusted very easily to life in Kindergarten! He'll soon be learning 1st Grade sight words because he's working so hard!

Tommy kept us all on our tiptoes this month! Mitch surprised us all by showing up in Utah for the weekend and hanging out. Just for fun. My children do ask that next time he or Emily visit, they bring some of their people to play with. Not that they don't LOVE Uncle Mitch or Aunt Emily, but..... cousins are fun, too. Mitch played and Tommy decided it was time to get engaged! We left the kids in the car to go down to a park and watch it happen. When we returned to the car Lyla and Nolan were sobbing. Lyla HAD to pee her pants because we left them. They were FINE when we left them 10 mins earlier. Grayson passed the whole experience watching Tyler's phone. It was a really good parenting set down. Let me tell ya. 
We are excited for Tommy and more excited to welcome Emerie to the crazy! 

During the fun weekend, Kendra had a baby project and Lyla willingly helped the teen mother while she played an intense game of poison. 

The church broadcast its first ever, "Friend to Friend". It was WONDERFUL! We loved it and can't wait to amass a rock collection worthy of scripture rock art! Nolan's collection made the cutest Nativity I've ever seen! 
Tyler and I are going to Cancun in May for our 10 year anniversary. I am the proud new owner of a pair of Chacos! I've always wanted a supportive sandal for summer. I don't like hot sneakers and sore feet from sandals. Wish me luck in breaking them in! 
Until next time...

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