Saturday, March 7, 2020

January 2020

Usually, as the new year begins, there are very FEW pictures taken in January. We are tired from Christmas, it's cold outside, and we just don't do much. This January, we took 158 pictures!
Off we go!
We got some good snow and the kids really enjoyed themselves outside! They got some sleds for Christmas and convinced Tyler to pull them around the yard. They were able to make small sledding hills from the shoveled snow.


We took a quick trip up to Rexburg, to visit my dad and step mom, Sherri. We ate all of our favorite foods, played in the hotel pool and watched real TV.  Lyla and Nolan love to swim. With blue, shivering lips, Lyla said, "I not freezing, I don't wanna get out". Grayson takes some convincing to try and bob around the pool, he is as scared of water as I was at his age. 



We stayed at my moms the night before going home. There is always something fun to play with at Grandma's house. The kids are also really good at fake sleeping when we tell them to nap in the car.

Both boys got a hoverboard for Christmas (YAY, awesome deals!). They love them! They are always riding them! Into the bathroom to pee, around the kitchen and in the family room. I'm sure they would ride them up and down the stairs if they could figure it out! They are soo good at it! They make it look sooooo easy. Believe me, IT IS NOT! Lyla is also very happy with her baby and back pack! I still don't have a picture of her on her balance bike, but she insists that it is very speedy.

We found a complete Disney Headbandz game at DI for $2! It's a new favorite for sure!

The kids are continually coming up with new games to keep themselves entertained during the last months of winter. They are safe, sometimes.

At Nana and Papaw's Aunt Kendra because the Jedi Master for all the littles. They loved it and wee so proud to get a Ninja name!

Tyler was bed ridden for a few days after the ol' snippity snip snip. He took a picture of his last day as a REAL man. The after picture is the kids refusing to leave him alone while he watched High School Musical to distract himself from the pain. 
We are a slime loving/hating household. The kids love it. Tyler and I hate it. Mysteriously, we continue to end up with slime in the house. It helps when the kits is on sale for $1.  

Speaking of the daddy they love, he sure knows how to play with them!

Lyla Jean. This girl crack us up! She is usually doing something funny. She loves Frozen and it is VERY fun to listen to her sing the songs.

GUYS! We made it through Stake Conference. No tears, but lots of distractions. That's what these pictures show.

Grayson has had a really great January. 1st- He passed of all the 1st grade sight words! We have been working so hard and he is VERY proud of his bubble gum machine. 2nd- He got to be the Starfish of the week. He showed a slideshow of pictures to his class, showed off his hover board, brought a half-birthday treat and made a poster. He dictated all the words and traced my writing with marker. He was very excited. He is sooo blessed this year, not only in the teacher department, but his classmates are caring and sweet as well. 3rd- He stared an 8 wk Karate class from our parks and rec department. We probably won't do it again.

January ended on a sad note. Mitch and Emily moved; and took their children with them! How dare they! We invited everyone over for a last hurrah, or a Cousin Circus as I lovingly called it. A circus of chaos, fun and sugar, it was. We had pizza, a pinata and slime was made. Everyone over the age of three got to spend the night. We were so lucky that ALL the cousins could meet together for one last time for who knows how long.



Mr. Noli and Miss. Mia are the closest of them all. They are something in closeness and trouble that cannot be described in words. When they first got together at around 18 months it was hate a first sight. It blossomed into something our families will miss.  
We are happy for them and their new adventure. We sure will miss them and can't wait until we get to see them again! Hopefully soon! 

In February we got the plagues....
Until next time... 

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