Sunday, July 7, 2019

May 2019: Part One

May started off our busy season! The kids are always doing something that makes us laugh! Everyone wants to be like daddy!

Both of the boy got to go on dates with us. We took Grayson to Avengers: Endgame and Nolan went on a breakfast date. It was fun to spend time with our boys! Nolan was even kind enough to share his milkshake with Lyla girl.

May means that it's getting warmer and we spend more time outside! We had a picnic, went camping and were busy at end of school activities. Field day was a lot of fun! Even if it started out a bit cold!

We spent some time at a fun event called, Touch-a-Truck. It was fun to climb in all the trucks and touch all the things. Grayson was the only one willing to try on the fireman gear.

I am so lucky to have these littles call me mom! They were so excited to serve me.


Grayson and Nolan got these cool wind up planes from Tommy for Christmas. They were a lot of fun! One day I asked the boys to let the dog out and they came up with a creative way to undo the deadbolt. They informed that that this was how Tommy did it. They sure love and miss him!

Grayson finished Kindergarten and has grown so much this year! We worked really hard together and are really proud of our efforts! On to 1st grade we go! I'm amazed at how much he's grown!

May only gets busier!
Until next time...

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