Wednesday, December 13, 2017


We officially have a Kindergartner, and it's going to be an adventure! Last year, I had to drag Grayson kicking and screaming on to the school bus. This year he has promised that he is going to be brave, strong and try REALLY hard at school. Fingers crossed, because this momma is WORRIED! Nolan need to be just like his big brother and take a backpack to school. We are too close to school this year to ride the bus, so Nolan and Lyla get to come along as we drop Grayson off at school and pick him up each day! 

Tyler's work had a company appreciation party. They were hosting box car races and the boys had a TON of fun making cardboard firetrucks! Neither of them won their race, but Grayson's truck won a decoration award! He got a $25 gift card he so willingly shared with his littler brother!


We left Tyler for a weekend so he could get ahead on homework for this semester-uninterrupted. We went to my moms and had some fun! We went to a local corn maze. They had hay rides, train rides, zip-lines, bumper balls, sand pits, slides and mazes! Lyla girl had fun in the stroller....




And Tyler treated himself to TWO pizzas and a giant Mt. Dew....

My dad made a quick stop one day and bought the boys some ice cream!

Nolan learned thumbs up and how to wink in one day! He also really loves to dress up as a super hero from one of his birthday presents!


Nana took the boys to her Fall School Party. They got to pick pumpkins, eat red sandwiches (sloppy joes) and go on train rides.


These boys love to go to mutual with daddy and play with the "scouts". Nolan will say, "Hey Mom, a scout!" when they are passing the sacrament. They really enjoyed their sticker packages from Gramma Swallow


Lyla turned 4 months old and we love her to pieces!

Until next time...

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