Monday, May 16, 2016

January 2016

I am in the current year!! Yay!! I'm happy that I have the motivation and a husband to watch the kids while I get down to it!

In January, we got a lot of snow. That means Tyler has to shovel the walk! We have a WONDERFUL serving neighbor who occasionally does our walk! But Tyler still gets to do it himself! The boys love to go outside! The snow was a lot of fun for them! They enjoy throwing it and eating it! They really like the taste of it or something?



We found THE COOLEST place in Logan! It's called the Bounce N' Slide. It is a warehouse filled with blow-up houses and slides. It also has an area catered to babies and toddlers! My children were in HEAVEN! They even have coupons periodically that make it VERY affordable! McDonald's comes in at a close second!


Mia was VERY willing one day to share her ice cream with Nolan. He was very appreciative!

Every apple had a bite in it! EVERY APPLE!

Our fish had a baby! We were so excited! Sadly, it didn't survive when we tried to save it from the big mean fish! The boys love to sift through the toys a DI. Tyler is looking for Shleich animals, the boys are just along for the ride. I got a carpet cleaner! We have white carpets and it's just not working! But my carpet cleaner has helped so much! You know you are a mom when.....


Tyler got a Chili's gift card for his birthday and went all out! There was so much food! The next two pictures.... I turned around one day at the store and Grayson was gone! I was able to slip behind a display and into the gap behind the freezer units! He found a ball and school bus that he HAD to have! It took a hear stopping minute to find him and two more to get him out! That boy.....


Blue is big as ever!

Nolan LOVES kitties. Almost as much as his puppy! We are lucky that Nana's kitty is VERY old and laid back.... I'm telling ya, he is ALWAYS wearing the fireman hat!


Grayson fell in love with this elephant! It is now a bed time necessity! Nolan cheesing in sunglasses and Grayson cheesing in Papaw's motorcycle helmet!

Zero degrees happened! Yuck! I know it's NOTHING compared to many of my Idaho family members, but as my father in law would say,
jk jk, It could be worse... like the heat of the desert state Texas... 
I can't decide which would be worse...

Tell me that Spring really does come again? 
Until next time.....

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