Sunday, May 15, 2016

December 2015 Part II

First off, I have a LOT of cute pictures of day to day life leading up to Christmas!

Our boys love when Tyler reads to them! I love seeing them read together! We got a fun little ring toss reindeer game! Everyone loves to try on the antlers! We spent some time with my mom, siblings and nephew Bentley, he LOVES corn on the cob and was eating it like a cartoon would. Hil-ar-IOUS!

My dad stopped by with presents for Blue and the boys! Very lucky people indeed!

Nolan opens WIDE when he expects a bite! I tell you he never takes the fireman hat off! He also likes to keep notes while we shop!


Nothing gets in Blue's way! She wins every time! Her tail is just the right height to smack Nolan in the face when she gets excited! He is very good at sharing with her!


I ALWAYS find him in her kennel! Covered in her hair.... Tommy is a goober. I caught Nolan trying on my shoes!

Grayson is laying in his nest! He DUMPED every hamper and laid in his mess! He was throwing clothes and quite enjoying himself! Until he had to clean it all up! Nolan learned to climb on the toilet, to the counter and into the sink! I'm glad he can't turn the water on yet! I went to take a drink one day to find that the Mommy and baby hippo went for a swim!

Look at these boys of mine! Are they brothers or what?

Tyler turned a big 27! He has some big news for everyone! Utah State University was not meeting our needs, so we decided to do some research! Heavenly Father blessed and led us to Kansas State University. After a lot of research we learned that they offer a Food Science B.S. exactly the same a USU but ALL ONLINE! They are more expensive, but the opportunity to take online classes was a huge blessing! It had led to an even bigger blessing that I will soon share... keep following to find out! Tyler's work schedule and traveling 1hr+ each day to class was NOT working! We are excited to say that he was accepted to KSU and will begin Calculus and Microbiology in January! We are very excited to say that this school can give us an END DATE! Here is the birthday boy sporting his new colors!


Christmas Eve, was the traditional Swallow Nativity. We were the shepherds this year!


Christmas PJs! 

CHRISTMAS! The boys woke up to some fun treats!




And Santa brought a water table! They love it! We left to get dressed and found them IN it! I think they were confused.... Grayson did take he clothes off first....

Merry Christmas!!
Until next time....

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